Chapter 6

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Hello there beautiful creatures,I don't have nothing to say here so here's chapter 6,enjoy! (I'm losing motivations to write this so comment if u any have ideas to continue this book) 

A/N:bad grammar as always TvT

(...) - Writer speaking/places/time

*...* - Characters P.O.V.

"..." - Characters speaking

'...' - Characters thought



I'm wearing the mask but it's lift a little showing my mouth,mama said I should wear the hood of my hoodie so I can hide my horns,I'm still holding the book and somehow,I think it's especial and I can't lose it

Me and Ghostbur r talking about each other,I still wear my mask but I took off my hood and my horns r little terrifying but it's cool, (having horns is cool ngl/not ganna lie) a few minutes past and others start crying while the others r angry? I don't know why but I saw a pig hybrid,I told Ghostbur that I'm going towards him (Techno-chan) and Ghostbur said he'll come with me since he know him

"Hello mister!" I said and he look at me like I'm his rival and best friend for so long (I mean,u guys r rivals Dream...) 


"Hallo" I said on my usual monotone voice,"how r u Dream?"


"I'm doing fine! And how do u know my name?", "well we used to be rivals and we r still right know" he said and I'm kinda impressed that I'm rivals with him,he look pretty strong ngl


"Hey Techno,can we stay at ur cabin?" I asked and he smile a little and nodded,we tell Puffy about it and she let us stay with Techno so we go to his house,Techno's house is pretty far away so we use ender pearls and got there

(With the author) 

Blue/me:"I'm losing motivations TnT"

GhostDre:"Don't worry,u can do it😊"

Blue/me:"Tnx Dre"

(Ahem* -Back with the story) 

(At Techno's cabin) (their with Phil btw) 


"So Dream,do u remember anything?" I asked and his thinking hard about it and look at me


"Yeah,I do,just a few things like Puffy,Schlatt,Tubbo,my birthday,my age and my name" I said and Phil...'is that his name?' His writing what I said but I let him be,maybe it's important


"Do u want some blue?" I said and hand Dream blue (it's weird how my nickname is in this part but it's fine,but I'm still weird about it O-O) 


I take the blue and I stare at it then it turn dark blue and turn to ashes,everyone was shocked and Ghostbur handed me more blue but it still turn to ashes until the 7th one just turn dark blue

(How r u?:] ) 

(At night) 


I was sitting on Ghostbur's bed and I'm gonna sleep on it for the night since there's no extra room left,I lay my head on the pillow and wait for Ghostbur to be back,Ghostbur's back and its very cold so I hug him and fall asleep (Dreambur OvO)


543 words

 This is very short since I'm thinking about the next chapter on Squid game x Dream SMP,u don't have to vote for this since this is very short but I appreciate it I u vote,I'll see u guys next time,bye and have a nice day😊

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