Chapter 7

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Hello there beautiful creatures,should I delete this or not?,anyways,here's chapter 7,enjoy I guess...(also fan art above is not mine,just find it on Google) (and totally not me listening to Dream's song Road trip,Change my clothes and Mask) 

(...) - Writer speaking/places/time

*...* - Characters P.O.V.

"..." - Characters speaking

'...' - Characters thought


(With Techno and Phil) 


"Techno,Dream's holding the revival book right? Then we can borrow it and revive Dream" I said,we've been talking about reviving Dream but it risk much,u need a totem of undying,a wither rose,a netherite sword we don't need to find the ore because I have a sword,and something connects to Dream which is his mask


"I don't know Phil,what if we did the wrong ritual" I said,I'm scared that something might happen to Dream,he's my best friend for a long time now,I can't just messed up while reviving him

(With Dream and Ghostbur) 


"Hey Ghostbur,do u think of...wanting to be revived?" I ask and he look at me and back at Friend (the blue sheep :D) 


"I've been revived before and ur the one who revived me,and to answer ur question,yes,I want to be revived again because being a ghost is very hard,u can't touch water,ur blood will be blue if ur a ghost and u can only touch a few things" I said and look at Dream,"What about u,do u want to be revived?" I continue


"I don't know...someone tells me that if I get revived,I will cost another damage to the SMP" I said and ur wondering how I know that,well,when I was at the afterline,someone tells me that if someone ask me 'do u want to be revived again' then I need to answer no because I might cost another damage to the SMP,which made me think 'does my alive self done many bad things?'


"Dream,Dream!, DREAM!" I yelled and he snap out of he's thoughts,"Why r u spacing out?"


"Nothing,I'm just thinking too much" I said and he hug me,I hesitate but I hug him back,I felt the warm and it made me feel safe (Dreambur fluff OvO) 


"Don't think too much,u can get a headache" I said and pull away

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