The tale of Dark Vanilla.

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3rd POV
"After the chaos of iron and flames subsided, many creatures baked by the Witches scattered across the world."

"Among them were the Five. Five Cookies, graced with Soul Jam of the purest kind..."

"Wise and powerful, they rallied others to their cause. As kings and Queens they ruled the Cookies, bringing in a golden age of peace and prosperity"

"But this age was not fated to last, A harbinger of darkness appeared and let shadow and evil infest the land."

"And once more, the world erupted into chaos...but the five Cookie heroes, guardians of peace...have risen."

"Twilight falls, and the war for the Cookies' destiny has begun"


The Final Battle...

"What a horrible sight..." Said White Lily in horror and remorse. "This whole place is covered in Cookie crumbs!" Hollyberry added, with anger in her mind. "Foul sticky cream...The stench of burnt butter in the air..." Dark Cacao (I searched it up and apparently Cacao is a thing, it's similar to Cocoa.) but within the anger, there was a voice telling himself to be calm. "What in Earthbread is going on here?!" Golden Cheese exclaimed.

"Dark Enchantress Cookie has declared war on the Vanilla kingdom!" Pure Vanilla spoke. Grasping at the destruction of his own kingdom. "The Cookie that has brought the Cake Monster army into our lands?" Dark Cacao asked to confirm. "Correct...She attacked while I was occupied elsewhere." Pure Vanilla confirmed.
"Hah! One's flour must be hard for such a brazen strike!" Hollyberry exclaimed, seemingly bothered. "We must find Dark Enchantress Cookie quickly! Let us make haste!" Pure Vanilla exclaimed.

After fighting through the rest of the Cake Monsters blocking their path, the Five heroes arrived where Dark Enchantress Cookie was.

"And so...upon the ruins of your home, we finally meet, you're rather your own demise!" Dark Enchantress proclaimed. Standing in the middle of the now former throne room. "Dark Enchantress Cookie! What is the meaning of this?" Pure Vanilla spoke sternly.

"Do you know the real reason why we, Cookies, were created?" Dark Enchantress spoke, her smirk plastered across her face. "What rancid NONSENSE are you peddling now?" Golden Cheese said, agitated as if Dark Enchantress has said unbelievable things before. "Now, now, THINK for a moment...I hope it's not too hard...Why do we exist?"

"That's easy-to live and to be happy, all together!" Hollyberry proclaimed. "That's why we were brought into this world. Happiness. Dark Enchantress Cookie. That's what it's all about."

"Oh really? And when, pray tell, are you happiest? When you fall down and crumble? Or when you become-dare I say it....Ha Ha Ha! SOGGY!" Dark Enchantress mocked. Getting impatient. "We are together, in peace and in a battle. This is our strength!" Dark Cacao proclaimed, silencing any deception. "So true! We love and thank our Creators for our deliciously sweet bodies and unique talents!" Pure Vanilla added to Hollyberry's proclamation.
"And there is no hardship we cannot overcome. Together!"

"RUBBISH! FOOLS! All of you!" Dark Enchantress spoke in blind rage. "I shall show you the tragic error of your ways-Right here, right now!"

At once a blazing beam of light cracked open the earth beneath the throne room. As the roof crumbled down, The Five witness what Dark Enchantress had summoned, a giant cake monster, bigger than the normal ones.

Dark Enchantress used an attack to dispel the cookies, underestimating their might.

"The Cake Witch is channeling energy. We must use the pause to avert her next attack!" Pure Vanilla declared, everyone nodded in agreement and stood tall.

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