Custard's 16th Birthday p4

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3rd POV
"Here it is! Blueberry Muffins!" The Witch spoke placing the small plates onto the table. The cookies were skeptical but took the muffins anyway after Wizard thanked his mom and begun eating one. "This is good!" Gingerbrave remarked eating the muffins. "Thank you, Miss Wizard's Mom...strange...I really thought that Witches eat cookies" Custard spoke taking a muffin. "Oh, most do...I mostly don't like cookies." she spoke. "It's unhealthy! Those cookies are so sugary they could rot our poor witchy teeth!" She remarked huffing to herself. "So you don't eat...sweets in general?" Custard asked curiously as he ate the muffin. "Nope! Unlike you cookies, our bodies cannot consume that much sweets...we have to eat other foods like healthy vegetables or...meat." She said the last one nervously...making them confused on what meat was.

"Thank you for the muffins, Miss Wizard's mom. But we can't stay for long, it's Custard's birthday today, and he has a party to go to." Strawberry said nervously. "It's your birthday today? Oh well, why didn't you say so! Let me make a cupcake to celebrate, then I'll leave you on the way." She said moving to the kitchen. "I uh...thank you!" Custard exclaimed..guess it's a few hours before the party, he could wait a bit.

"Where is it? Where is it? Where is it?" Red Velvet asked searching through a box. "Come on, this brooch will look well with the suit!" Red Velvet said to himself. "You mean this brooch?" Dark Vanilla spoke through the door, spooking him. "Ah! Dad, by the stars you scared me!" Red Velvet spoke as he stood, he walked over to him and took the brooch.

It was a emerald brooch that he found on the first days here in the Crimson Kingdom...he was unsure on how he found it but it was important... "Why did you want this?" He asked curiously, I mean, it was just a brooch...right? "I was curious...perhaps it belonged to her or something...turns out it wasn't." He said sighing in disappointment. "I know you wanna truly know her intentions, but...right now you probably shouldn't think about that..." Red Velvet said. "Let's just focus on Custard's birthday today...okay?" He asked as Dark Vanilla nodded. "I'll try..." he said as he begun to leave the room. Red Velvet stared at the felt different...perhaps it's because he hasn't worn it in a long time...but the brooch seemed to give off a glow...


Oh well, it was a shiny emerald and he was probably seeing things...

Geez, it feels like his eye is turning green...

Dark Vanilla sighed in his he has to pick something decent to wear for Custard's birthday. But what should he pick? At least not something depressing...who is he kidding...he didn't even have that many clothes anymore...and most are just copies of his normal attire from day-to-day activities. What should he wear?... "Your Majesty...?" Licorice asked as Dark Vanilla continued to stare at his closet. "Erm, your new suit has arrived." Licorice spoke as Dark Vanilla blinked in confusion. "New suit?" Dark Vanilla asked. "I noticed your lack of wear during the Kingdom's Founding Celebration, it took some time but I was able to get some decent clothing for this occasion with your exact measurements." Licorice spoke lifting the suit with his magic and placing it on the bed...

" do you know my measurements?..." Dark Vanilla asked, I mean...there's no such magic and Dark Vanilla didn't take Licorice for a tailor... "I asked Prince Dark Choco...he said while you were getting your new suit that you now wear and have multiple copies of, he took a peek on your measurements while he was bored." Licorice replied, Dark Vanilla rubbed the back of his neck...perhaps he should've entertained him at the time...but how the heck did Dark Choco remember his exact measurements? Unless he kept the paper...or he has the memory of an elephant...

"I guess I could pair that with a much time do we have before the party?" Dark Vanilla asked as he took a peek at the suit. "A few hours your Majesty." Licorice informed regaining posture. "Hm...make sure you bring Custard back for the celebration." Dark Vanilla ordered, Licorice nodded understanding the order and left the room. Dark Vanilla he looked at the wear for this occasion...

It may be his last...

"Alright, everyone, we aint busting that door till Adventurer gives us the say so." Purple Yam ordered, the Pearl Legion nodded understanding the order. "Alright...we wait for the signal, two flashing lights means the Consul and that Politician are in danger, one flashing light means they're ok and they're discussing a few things." Purple Yam spoke looking over as Adventurer sneakily made his way to the top of the St.Pastry Order's Church. He used the rope he so cherished and used for ambush to safely maneuver him to the top of the roof...there, was a small roof for him to safely climb down from...

"Reverend Mother Pastry, please you understand how outlandish this is....the cause of our capture means that you may very well start war with the Crimson Kingdom!" Clotted Cream reasoned, he and Elder Custard were tied up, backs facing the other. "He is correct Reverend Mother, please, in the name of Elder Mille-Fuille, handle this for the benefit of our cookies!" Elder Custard yelled. Espresso laughed at that. "Look at them Reverend Mother, trying to convince you that their beloved, corrupt king is worth reasoning with." Espresso remarked. "Honestly, they still believe that the Pure former holder of the Gift of the Godly Creators isn't a new version of the Dark Cake Witch who defiled these lands with the horrid Cake Monsters!" He pointed out. "You dare twist our words, Traitor?! You, who has so wrongfully destroyed out great Republic?!" Elder Custard spited, Espresso tsked in anger. "Silence! He is right, why should we trust those who side with the tainted beasts that roam and destroy our lands? Why should we trust a king who is known for his dark use of magic?!" Pastry said angered. "No...if it is war he declares, the St Pastry Order will bring the Godly Creators' wrath upon the Tainted King." She declared, the rest of the order agreed, symbolizing their strong unity. "Once the Tainted King falls, we shall return the Gifts to the Godly and use it to return to our benevolent Witches!" She declared, dread filled both the Consul and Elder as they see there was no hope for peace between the two factions. Adventurer Cookie climbed up and quickly used his dagger to give the signal.

"Alright, two lights, let's beat these guys to the curb!" Purple Yam declared as the Pearl Legion marched towards the church

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