Blueberry Yogurt Academy...flashback?

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3rd POV
Custard woke up to the sounds of giggling...laughter of children. The gang woke up, surprised at their glowing bodies... "Woah..." Gingerbrave remarked. "We're...shiny..." Chilly Pepper said. "A...flashback spell?" Wizard Cookie remarked. "Why did the Sugar Swan give us a flashback spell?" He asked. Custard looked around, "Look! Blueberry Yogurt Academy!" He pointed out, "We just need to go ins-"

 Custard looked around, "Look! Blueberry Yogurt Academy!" He pointed out, "We just need to go ins-"

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Custard stared at the Cookie that just went passed him...Recognizing the Cookie even though he was almost his size! But no doubt...the only thing unfamiliar was the smile plastered in the Cookie's face...


Licorice walked across the halls of the Crimson Kingdom, finding another place to open a portal to- "Blueberry Yogurt Academy" The castle was big after all...there were lots of rooms that were renovated and left empty after the Vanilla Kingdom transfigured into the Crimson Kingdom.  Licorice sighs as he found a room. Opening it a bit... "Licorice, what are you doing here?" Licorice was startled a bit, but recognized the voice. "Forgive me your Majesty, am I forbidden there?" Licorice asked the Crimson King, he merely sighed, "It's fine...I just wanted to speak to you..." Dark Vanilla spoke. "But why are you here? Your work room is...somewhere around this castle"

"It may have had an...infestation..." Licorice emphasized, "Must be the skulls." He spoke, he would never dare tell the king they had a security problem...he would go berserk, scold the guards, and the fact that it was a magical security problem didnt help...he would handle that himself...for his sake, he'll keep it shut...
"I see...then you should probably clean that room up then...what were you trying to do?" Dark Vanilla asked. "Opening a portal to Blueberry Yogurt Academy, His highness, Custard Vanilla Cookie, is there with the Ovenbreak Cookies..." Licorice answered, formally...Dark Choco has an influence on him...The king stayed silent...the name "Blueberry Yogurt Academy" bringing memories to the Ancient...he sighed Licorice could tell it was out of sorrow... "Very Well, Safe Travels then..." Dark Vanilla spoke, before nodding and turning away, the Adviser stares as the king disappeared into the hallways...Licorice opened the room and prepared the spell to create a portal...

"Your Dad was a student at this academy?!" Wizard Cookie asked. "Look here! Blueberry Yogurt Academy 'school for gifted cookies'" Strawberry pointed at a sign. Reading it. "Gifted Cookies! Of course, your father was one of the Five, he should've schooled here!" Wizard Cookie said ecstatic. "I...didn't know..." Custard said "In the kingdom, there were thousands of books from different Wizards around Earthbread...I thought he learned it himself..." He said... "But the again...I didn't really know...a lot about him..."
"You talk about him a lot, but don't know a lot about him?" Strawberry asked. "Well, I know about him from stories my brothers told me, but when we talk, he usually lets me talk..." Custard answered. The group thought it was a sad thought...but they weren't quick to judge. "Hey! It's alright! Secrets happen, maybe there was a reason he didn't tell you!" Gingerbrave said cheering up Custard, Strawberry chuckled. "What! I'm just making him feel better!" Gingerbrave said as if he was being make fun of. "She's just laughing cause you're always somehow finding ways to cheer cookies up" Chili Pepper said sarcastically. "AM NOT! Am I?" Gingerbrave remarked, gaining a laugh from the whole gang.
"C'mon! We need to head in! Let's see if we can find this "Licorice Cookie" here" Wizard Cookie remarks, everyone nods in agreement as they stepped inside the academy, there was a garden in the front. The gates filled with Cookies exactly Custard's age... "This is just a flashback spell, the Cookies aren't really there." Wizard reminded, The gang nodded and passed through the gardens.

"Why do you aaaalways hang out with White Lily Cookie, Pure Vanilla? She's a lost cause!" The gang heard a cookie speaking to Pure Vanilla Cookie.

"Why do you aaaalways hang out with White Lily Cookie, Pure Vanilla? She's a lost cause!" The gang heard a cookie speaking to Pure Vanilla Cookie

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"That's mean Oatmeal Cookie..." Pure Vanilla said, Custard had never heard his father's voice so...quiet? "I know...I'm sorry, but the signs are there! Top of the class, Flowery-Aroma and praise from the teachers? How do you know she isn't a snob?" Oatmeal Cookie asks Pure Vanilla. "Cause like you said, I aaaalways hang out with her and I KNOW she isn't like that, just give her a chance!" Pure Vanilla says "What's there to know if you don't find out?" He said gleefully before running to the front of the school. "Pure Vanilla! No running in the halls!" The gatekeeper exclaimed "Yes sir!" Pure Vanilla said giggling, "Pure Vanilla! Wait! Don't leave me!" Oatmeal yelled, hearing another chuckle from Pure Vanilla. "Geez was your father always a carefree saint?" Chili Pepper remarked, earning a chuckle from Custard. "I don't even know myself! But it's funny to see how different he was when he was younger!" Custard remarks giggling to himself again. They stepped into the gates with awe, it looked as if it was a castle or a mansion! The floor was covered in carpet, and the walls made out of pure Marble Candy! "White Lily Cookie!" Pure Vanilla exclaimed tackling the poor cookie to the ground. "H-hey, Pure Vanilla..." White Lily said caught-off guard. Pure Vanilla hugged White Lily tight giggling. They got up and started chatting to class.

The Cookies merely explored the place, finding Licorice Cookie. Strawberry and Custard were paired up, as Gingerbrave went to make sure Chili Pepper didn't steal anything, Wizard Cookie was dragged along with him. "Hey...Custard...can I ask you something?" Strawberry squeaked out. "Yeah?" Custard worded out questionably. "You always talk about your Dad...but never about your mom...why is that?" Strawberry asked, she hoped that i wasn't a sensitive topic...

"Cause I don't even know who she is..." Custard said shrugging. Which caught Strawberry was left off-guard and confused. "You don't? How about your brothers and father?" She asked. "My Dad knows...he won't talk about it...but my brothers don't...heck, they said Dad disappeared one day and came back 3 days later carrying me!" Custard explained, sorta getting bored wandering the halls, placing his arms out like an airplane. "Oh..." Strawberry became dumbfounded...she thought maybe his mom was bad or she died but never having one at all? Really?

Well that explained it...but she does wonder...judging by how Pure Vanilla acts with White Lily...could she have something to do with it?

She just shrugs and proceeds to walk forward...not knowing the Cookies following them from behind...

not knowing the Cookies following them from behind

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