Light and Dark

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3rd POV
"Alright! That was the last one, the rune must've disappeared by now!" Gingerbrave exclaimed. "Let's hurry and save the Sugar Swan!" Wizard Cookie remarked, charging and running ahead. "Woah, you dwarf! Slow down will ya!" Chili Pepper Cookie yelled as she ran after Wizard Cookie, the rest of the group followed. After a long battle with a few spirits and cake monsters, they arrived at the Sugar Swan...

 After a long battle with a few spirits and cake monsters, they arrived at the Sugar Swan

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(Behold...the very thing that took the chapter so long...I can't draw wings...)

"Haaaah..." The Sugar Swan is able to say within the cursed body... "I can't believe my eyes!" Wizard Cookie exclaimed in horror "The Sugar Swan..." Custard remarked. "Graaaagh!" The Sugar Swan yelled in pain as she charged at the Gang. "Why is it attacking us?!" Chili Pepper asked. "It's been corrupted duh!" Wizard Cookie replied "Although I think it is unaware of what has transpired..."
"Sugar Swan! Please listen we have come of aid!" Custard spoke before a roar was heard. The spirits of the forests have been summoned. "We must purify it once more!" Wizard Cookie exclaimed... "But how?! We don't even know how Pomegranate Cookie corrupted it in the first place!" Strawberry exclaimed. "Maybe with light magic! Custard, you have remarkable healing abilities, maybe use that on the Sugar Swan!" Wizard Cookie suggested, with Custard widening his eyes. "M-me?! My magic?!'s not as strong as my's...very weak compared to him." Custard said, a fact he knows...his father could heal injuries beyond his limits, his healing abilities going more than just two Cookies. "It won't be enough!" Custard said. "We have to try! Maybe if we distract the Sugar Swan, and you aim a lot of your Healing Magic continuously, the Sugar Swan might be saved!" Gingerbrave exclaimed. Custard thought as they hid for a bit from the spirits attacking them. "Alright! It's worth a shot!" Custard complied, the others nodded. "Alright, distract the Sugar Swan!" Gingerbrave exclaimed raising his cane. The others followed suit and acting in rhythm...fighting the spirits, distracting the Sugar Swan, and giving enough time for Custard to purify it...

Which honestly surprised the by-standing Court Mage who was watching them using a spell called "The All-Seeing Eye"

" should I transport them back?" Licorice spoke ominously, in a dark room where he would do his necromancy spells...filled with skulls and everything that says "stay away or I'll kill you" Where did the skulls come from? Don't ask...

"The young prince and his gang are far stronger than anticipated...the young prince is starting to resemble the king in his younger days..." Licorice remarks before sighing... "I'm sure they can handle this...I must check on the king...hopefully that problem with the Millennial Tree has been subdued..."

"I highly doubt that Court Mage."

Licorice stops before he reaches the door...he sighs recognizing the voice...

he sighs recognizing the voice

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"Hello, Black Licorice Cookie..."

"Espresso Cookie..."

Both Cookies stared at each, the atmosphere tense...both gifted at the darkest of magic.

"What brings you here?" Licorice spoke with spite...he always despised the young cookie, despised the path he had chosen... "Oh why so hostile with me? Hmm?" Espresso said gleefully and mockingly. "You know you are not welcome here...not after the grief you caused..." Licorice spoke again with more spite. "Oh, please, that blasted city needed to be destroyed,it disrespected my magic!" Espresso said again, the tension raising higher. "It does not matter, your magic was lost a long time ago, not many people will know of its importance! It was not worth destroying those who had nothing to do with it" Licorice stated, almost like a speech. "But you made that choice to follow that...Dark Enchantress Cookie..."

"Says the Cookie who follows a tyrannical man with anger issues..." Espresso mocked, provoking Licorice. "He is not a tyrant! There are reasons that his majesty lost his temper!" Licorices yelled before being shushed by Espresso's chuckle. "Oh, please, that's what faithful servants always are destined for so much more than being a mere servant of that...king...yet you stay here by his side, following orders" Espresso remarked, Licorice charged an attack on him, aiming for his coffee beans before being stopped and tied to chains.
"Ah, ah, ah, Almond, let's not get hasty..." Espresso says, Licorice looks back and sees a portal being held by Coffee beans, the chains originating from within. "Oh, well we had a fun chat, but looks like I don't have much time to play with you no longer...tuh-tah!" He says, going through the portal behind Licorice before "Almond" let's him go and the portal closes. Licorice grunts in annoyance...He grabs a book from one of his shelves in the dark room... "Stop bothering me..." Licorice says before casting the spell, apparently it was an anti-portal spell...

Back with the gang...

"What has transpired here?!" The Sugar Swan spoke in anger, feeling something being threatened. "Pomegranate Cookie tried to use your powers to bring back Dark Enchantress Cookie!" Gingerbrave exclaimed, warning the Sugar Swan. "I doubt Pomegranate Cookie is a follower of Darkness...but it seems she has misunderstood the use of my power..." The Sugar Swan spoke sternly, leaving most confused. "What do you mean?" Custard asked. "My power cannot bring free the Harbinger of Darkness that is Dark Enchantress Cookie...For I do not know what spell your father had used on her" The Sugar Swan answered, seemingly calming Custard. "But, you're the Sugar Swan! Of course you know!" Strawberry exclaimed. "You mistaken me for the Millennial Tree, for he knows all, and sees all...I only protect those who may be in the way of harm..." The Sugar Swan said. "The Sugar Swan has many tales, but it is only a protector...a protector of magic! But come you don't know which spell Pure Vanilla used?" Wizard Cookie spoke, "It is not my tale to tell, however, I do believe you have somewhere else to be, take the path of the Blueberry Yogurt Academy, Your Adviser friend is waiting there..." The Sugar Swan spoke, as Custard's eyes gleamed. "Black Licorice Cookie is coming?!" Custard asked, seeing a nod from the Swan. "Yes! With him, we can finally get to the Crimson Kingdom! We could probably warn Dad and my brothers about this!" Custard exclaimed, the rest looked in excitement. "Well, then go, young adventurers...the Crimson Kingdom awaits..."

(We're getting close to that Forgotten Academy Arc...)

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