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Going through some stuff rn...have these

In the future, Custard gets a daughter, which is why he'll be getting hints of a crush in the Dark Vanilla Au

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In the future, Custard gets a daughter, which is why he'll be getting hints of a crush in the Dark Vanilla Au...

Introducing: Butternut Cookie!

She is just as adventurous, outgoing, and caring as her father, but she is strong, brave and intelligent like her mother. She is the next heir to the Vanilla kingdom and vows to rule it like her father has.

You might guess who her mother is judging by her name and looks. She is (in kingdom rules) a Support Cookie. Who can heal, but has different magic (idk) what...

 Who can heal, but has different magic (idk) what

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Here is Gingerbrave in the future.
He becomes the next Captain of the Royal Guard in the Vanilla Kingdom, being trained by Milk Cookie and Dark Choco cookie respectively.
He chooses to protect and to serve for the rights of all cookies and is still as adventurous as he is.

(Still think of the other guys cause idk)

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