The Kingdom Founding Celebration

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3rd POV
It was a few months after the rest of the gang arrived at the Crimson Kingdom...things were really going their way. They were kept in the castle as a safety precaution because now they know the St.Pastry Order wants them because they're "messengers of god"
Overall, things have been swell, they realized that Dark Vanilla wasn't as bad as he looks, he is kinda soft on the inside...his mean demeanor and look just give him the sort of vibe that he is a tough king and a mean one...but not once would he ever do that.

The Gang got to know Custard more, since they kinda rushed their adventure...Wizard Cookie got to learn more about the Crimson Kingdom's culture and practices and honestly he has been dying to see a Library around these parts and has been writing to his mother about his experience...

This is when they learned about the upcoming "Kingdom Founding Celebration"

This is when they learned about the upcoming "Kingdom Founding Celebration"

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"What's the Kingdom Founding Celebration?" Gibgerbrave asked curiously. "It's a celebration where we celebrate the day the Crimson Kingdom was founded!" Custard explained. "So basically like an anniversary?" Wizard asked, getting a nod from Custard. "Every year, the kingdom is returned back to it's former glory, a time when the kingdom didn't exactly look like this. Then mid-way through the celebration, it returns back to this stage, showing the passage of time and how far this kingdom has gone through!" Custard explains dramatically. "At the end of the celebration, Dad shows up, gives a speech and shows the bright light of his Soul Jam, lighting it brighter than before!" Custard explains again, everyone could tell he was excited. "I can see you're excited..." Strawberry remarked slightly chuckling. "Well...sort of...cause this year I'm going to be the one with a speech in the end...and I'm really nervous to speak in front of a crowd..." Custard explains.

Oh right...

A few days after the Relationship Festival, Dark Vanilla wanted to start training him to become a his 16th birthday was coming up a few months Dark Vanilla tried and easy, yet difficult royal task...Dark Vanilla felt as if he was too young to handle the stress of paperwork, and both his brothers, including himself are already working on a lot...and he can't really do very difficult things such as commanding yet, smiling and waving at guests? Hmm...wasn't that already what he does? was just one small thing to do...Dark Vanilla gave him speech duty. A king must be have to be confident to show his face in a crowd, especially for public responsibilities...what better way than a speech?

"Don't get me wrong, I don't have stage fright...I could sing in front of a crowd if I wanted to...but this speech has to be special! It is for the Founding of my Kingdom! I can't mess this up!" Custard said nervously. "And it's going to be in front of my dad, and I don't wanna mess up in front of him!" He continued.

"Don't worry, Custard, I'm sure you'll do great!"Gingerbrave exclaimed. "If it means that much to you, We could help you in your speech!" He suggested.

"Wait, Gingerbrave,are you sure? We barely even know about the Crimson Kingdom! Helping him write a speech?" Wizard Cookie remarked. "Well we could be his audience, see what he put and review it! Plus, nothing a little research wouldn't work, right?" Gingerbrave nudged Wizard's arm, knowing that would excite him to know more about the Kingdom. "I have a library in the castle that has the Kingdom's history! Maybe we could start there!" Custard exclaimed. "You guys go...I'll be busy..." Chili Pepper remarked. "I already tried to work out his love-life and honestly man, that's already hard enough..." She said. "Anyways, I gotta get to my girlfriend, she didn't show up this Relationship Festival so she's making up for it...even though she doesn't have to..." Chili Pepper spoke shyly. "You have a girlfriend?" Strawberry said. "Yeah, met her before I met you...anyways chao, have fun!" Chili Pepper said leaving the guest room. The rest of the gang followed suit heading towards the library...

 The rest of the gang followed suit heading towards the library

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Dark Vanilla stood at the roots of the Millennial Tree... staring at the trunk...the Tree had fallen asleep for a bit...but he can't help but feel worry...
"Is something the matter Dark Vanilla Cookie?" Wind Archer spoke the many years that Dark Vanilla visited the Millennial Tree...he has never seen this much...paranoia...

"I have received Custard's report on his journey...he has told me about the corruption of the Sugar Swan and...Dark Enchantress'  new minions..." Dark Vanilla spoke... "They intend to bring Dark Enchantress back...and I believe some some way...they know about the location of the Soul Jam..." He continued, looking at the bark solemnly...

"It's not safe here..."

"I see your trouble...perhaps it's time for a different hiding place for the Soul Jams...and after our encounter with...Madeline Cookie...we can only be careful..." Wind Archer suggested...

Dark Vanilla sighed and nodded...he lifted the Spear of Time and activated a spell...

he lifted the Spear of Time and activated a spell

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"They still shine this bright...even my own..." Dark Vanilla spoke... solemnly looking at the Soul Jams one more time...

"Do you need me to hide them?" Wind Archer asked. "No...I'll do need to protect the Millennial Tree..." Dark Vanilla spoke... "In the meantime...I'll keep it for a bit...The Kingdom's Founding Celebration is coming disappearing would arouse panic..." Dark Vanilla spoke and nodded telling Wind Archer that he was leaving...

The Soul Jam has moved away from the Millennial Tree...

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