The Flood after the Hurricane

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3rd POV

"Your highness! Fellow Cookies!" Priestess Cookie waved after the Gang had just defeated a Cookievorous Plant. "Priestess Cookie! Why are you here?" Custard asked worried, believing something has happened to the village. "Something terrible has happened...the curse Pomegranate Cookie laid across the forest not only affected the spirits, but us as well..." she spoke "We can no longer use our magic"
"Oh dear!" Custard said aloud. "We must find her quickly! Before the curse gets worse!" He worried. "There is an Ent, a spirit that protects our village amongst this path...see what has happened to it...we can only pray..." She says, folding her hands together. "Come on! We have no time to lose!" Gingerbrave exclaimed leading the team towards the path. "Pomegranate Cookie seems to have wanted revenge against the village...but why now of all times?" Wizard remarked questionably, fairly unreasonable amount of time to take revenge on a village. "I dunno, probably a careful planner or something..." Chili Pepper Cookie added "Not like taking over a whole forest is easy, even for someone has strong as her"

After seeing, beating and getting pass the tainted Ent, the Cookies arrived at the old lands of the Pomegranate Village...

"Are you sure it is alright for you to come with us? It's rather dangerous!" Strawberry Cookie said to the second Priestess that followed along side them. "This site was once our home, as well as this forest, we cannot let her take it again!" She proclaimed, "I sense a curse with tremendous potency, let us make haste!"

After so long they battled across the path and beat as many monsters as they could. "Please don't kill the cakes! They're only wild animals meant to be tamed!" Custard spoke remembering the words of his brother. "We know Custard." Chili Pepper groaned, sure his brother could tame cakes but where's that talent when you need it?! They fight and knock out all the tainted creatures and finally come face to face with Pomegranate Cookie.

" Chili Pepper groaned, sure his brother could tame cakes but where's that talent when you need it?! They fight and knock out all the tainted creatures and finally come face to face with Pomegranate Cookie

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"I've been waiting for you..."

"And I've been waiting to teach a certain cookie a lesson, that certain Cookie is you!" Chili Pepper declared. "We won't let you harm the forest and it's villagers!" Custard exclaimed pointing his staff before the scarlet Cookie. "Let me? You are as foolish as your Father! You are in no position to make demands, young Prince!" Pomegranate Cookie said, before chanting and casting curses and spells against them. Custard put a protection spell on Gingerbrave and Strawberry as they charged ahead. Wizard Cookie chanting spells and Chili Pepper Cookie Ambushing from the trees. The Cookies fought and defeated Pomegranate Cookie.

"Now, tell us, what is your purpose here Pomegranate Cookie? It seems unlikely you would want revenge after so long..." Custard spoke in a stern tone. "After all you have some level of control over Cakes and you attacked my brother's homeland a long time ago! You would've gotten revenge a long time ago!" He added. "Smart you are...I suppose you...aren't as incompetent as He..." Pomegranate Cookie said. "Watch your words..." Custard said sternly, a tone he is familiar with, his father, his brothers, Black Licorice and even the guards had stern manners and tones when it comes to threats against the Crimson Kingdom. "Alas...I am but a mere disciple...I move according to My Master's will...the darkness has already consumed the Sugar Swan, the so-called "legendary" protector of this world..." She warned causing Wizard Cookie to push Custard away a bit. "What?! What have you done to the Sugar Swan?!" Wizard exclaimed. "Can you not see it? The brilliance of my Master's plan?" She spoke again with a smirk. "The Sugar Swan is the only thing capable of bringing her back from her endless slumber! It is my duty, my vow that I bring her back from the curse your father laid upon her, during the Dark Flour War!" She exclaimed in anger, as Custard's eyes widened in anger and shock. "You don't plan to bring HER back?!" Custard yelled "You shall not taint her magnificent name, for she is Dark Enchantress Cookie!" She proclaimed. "We have to get to the Sugar Swan!" Custard exclaimed as they hurried through the forest. "I have foreseen the future! You will fail Son of Pure Vanilla! This world will fall into darkness!" Pomegranate's words echoed throughout the forest. Custard prays that this event may never happen...


"There there, PV, it's ok, deep breaths, deep breaths

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"There there, PV, it's ok, deep breaths, deep breaths..." Dark Choco Cookie spoke softly, holding a cup of hot chocolate in his hands. "Here, drink this, Dark Cacao special" He said giving the cup to Dark Vanilla, The king took it effortlessly and slowly as took as sip. He started to relax for a bit. "What exactly happened while we were at the Hollyberry Kingdom?" Red Velvet Cookie asked the advisor, who is trembling slightly, the king's aura terrified him for a bit... "His Majesty had a meeting with the St. Pastry Order...threw the spear at the Reverend Mother." He answered. "What?! You threw the spear at her?!" Red Velvet exclaimed. "Do you realize what you just did?! You could've started a war!" He yelled scolding his father. "Red, please...Pure Vanilla doesn't think straight when he's mad-" "Sorry..." Dark Choco spoke before Dark Vanilla cut him off, apologizing to Red Velvet. "I should've....held back..." He spoke hesitantly... Red Velvet sighed. "I know...sorry for raising my voice..."

"So what do we do now? Custard hasn't come back yet, and the possibility of war with the order is...there..." Dark Choco Cookie rambled, Dark Vanilla only contemplated before sighing. "Licorice...find a way to bring Custard back here..." Dark Vanilla ordered. "Yes, Your Majesty..." Black Licorice replied and left the room with haste. "Red Velvet, how far does your connection with cake hounds go?" He asked. "Anything near the castle for now..." Red Velvet replied. "And with the enhancements?" "Anything within a 20 mile radius around the kingdom walls..."

"Good, gather as many as you can..." Dark Vanilla said, Red Velvet only nodded and quickly left. "Dark Choco...tell Milk Cookie to prepare the High Defense Order, we need to prepare in case that Cookie ever tries to strike..." Dark Choco Cookie nodded. "Drink that all up why don't you?" He spoke before leaving to the direction where the guards are being posted. Dark Vanilla was left alone to contemplate. "Any divine celestials out there...I pray that this not as worse as the last one..."

"Dark Vanilla Cookie" A voice entered Dark Vanilla's back, he looked at the direction it came from, although recognizing it...

"Dark Vanilla Cookie" A voice entered Dark Vanilla's back, he looked at the direction it came from, although recognizing it

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"The forest calls to your aid once more..."

"There has been an attack on the Sugar Swan..."

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