Quest for the Oven Cookies

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3rd POV

As the morning due reaches the gardens of the Crimson Kingdom, the bright sunlight shines across its hallways. Lighting up any Stained-glass windows. The Bright red hallways were filled with colors...but it is all too short lived.

In the gardens of the Crimson Kingdom, there were two princes...seemingly staying there to pass time. One prince had dark hair with a little red sprinkled on...though it would be less noticeable, as his attention is usually known for his Cake Arm. The other was shorter in size, he had bright blonde hair, but his clothing was just as dark as his other brother's hair. Seemingly trying to imitate the current king of the Kingdom.

Custard and Red Velvet sat near a tree in the castle gardens, as Custard tried to braid his brothers' hair, which was nearly impossible...

Custard and Red Velvet sat near a tree in the castle gardens, as Custard tried to braid his brothers' hair, which was nearly impossible

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"Your hair is being difficult..." Custard spoke in frustration. "That's because my hair is unbraidable..." Red Velvet said. "That's not even a word!" Custard spoke.

"You're just salty cause you can't style Dark Choco's hair anymore since he cut it recently" Red Velvet chuckled. Custard groaned in annoyance. "I mean, I still can make tiny braids...but..I'm not used to that..."

"Hope your not too busy." Another Cookie entered the room, he wore all black and had black short hair with white streaks. Almost resembling Dark Cacao cookie. "Speak of the devil! Hello brother..." Red Velvet said as he waved. "Morning, Custard, Red Velvet..." Dark Choco Cookie greeted. "We technically don't have time here..." Red Velvet pointed out...

"Err...Custard?" Dark Choco spoke nervously. Custard looked at him confused. "Pure Vanilla is...wants an audience with you..."



"Ohmygoshohmygoshomygosh!" Custard said, shaking and placing his hands on his head, he then tried to search his closet. "Father wants an audience with me?! He wants to see me?!" Custard said panicked. He's never had his father request an audience with him...the best he's ever had an interaction with his father is in the castle gardens.

"Do I look okay?! What does he want?!" Custard spoke. Red Velvet held both of his shoulders. "Calm down, Custard. I'm sure your not in trouble or anything" He spoke trying to calm his brother down. "But what if?! He's never requested an audience with me! What if I say the wrong things?! What if I mess up?!" Custard spoke. "You won't mess up, besides, for the fit of it, I'm sure it's just for you to have a new royal duty? You're basically old enough now and this is how me and Dark Choco started" Red Velvet implied, secretly nervous of the whole ordeal. "You really think so?" Custard asked in confirmation. "Sure, and besides me and Dark Choco will be there...what's the worst that could happen?"


Custard entered the halls of the Crimson Castle and into a room where his father and him would meet. No surprise, Dark Choco Cookie and Red Velvet Cookie was there. Along with his Court Mage and Adviser Licorice Cookie...(he pretty much looks the same, just his dark magic was of use to King Dark Vanilla)

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