Random speech shitpost

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My head is empty, I tried to find inspiration, but my goal to get Cookie Alliance is backfiring on me ToT so have weird shitposts here...

DV!Red Velvet: In any case, you might've been worse than your son!
Dark Vanilla: He was...
OG! Dark Cacao: How so?
Dark Vanilla: I kicked you in the balls once...Your hair nearly caught fire when you were captured by bandits and you were eaten by a goddamn plant.
DV!Red Velvet: By Fortuna! How are you alive old man?!
OG! Dark Cacao: Pure Vanilla was a damn good healer...

DV!Dark Choco: Creator, just decide who to ship me with already, Red has a girlfriend and your planning on giving Custard a love interest for story purposes! I ain't being a single ass forever!
Me: I don't know??? Are you interested in a Poly relationship?!
DV! Dark Choco: I don't know??? Depends??? Who the hell do you ship me with??
Me: I ship you with a lot of Cookies and I'm fixated with two right now...
Me: Do you like a wolf or a knight?

OG! Licorice: What's the difference between you and me?!
DV! Licorice: I'm better

Dark Vanilla: Licorice, could I have coffee please?
DV! Licorice: Anything specific?
Dark Vanilla: Caramel latte will do...
*DV!Lico materializes a Latte from his staff*
DV! Licorice: There you are, your Majesty
Dark Vanilla: Thank you
OG! Red Velvet motioning to OG!Licorice: He's better than you...

DV!Milk: Oh no! My arm! It's broken!

OG! Black Raisin to DV! Milk losing his arm: First time?

OG! Black Raisin: Why the shit, am I in love with the enemy?
DV! Black Raisin: One: We aren't enemies...two: We fell in love with each other.

DV!Licorice: I'm going out with a friend for my break
Dark Vanilla: You have friends?

Pure Vanilla: Oh, fiddlesticks in a teacup! I should've brought the sugar
Dark Vanilla: Please be a little like me and just say 'fuck'

Dark Vanilla: YOU F*****ING B***TCH
Timekeeper: Oh dear I pissed him off...
Croissant: Why do I have the feeling that was intentional?
Timekeeper: Cause it was!

DV! Gingerbrave: You know...maybe White Lily is your mother, cause you know, your dad lets you water White Lily flowers and your brother has her special White Lily plant...
DV!Custard: Gingerbrave, White Lily was dead before I was born...
DV!Gingerbrave: But she was trying to make a Cookie...maybe your dad succeeded?That would technically make her your mom...
DV! Custard raising a finger to speak: ...
DV!Wizard: Damn it,Gingerbrave. I'm supposed to be the smart one...

OG! Licorice: What's your opinion on Dark Enchantress Cookie?
DV! Licorice: An insult to cookiekind and an old hag that burned my home to the ground...
OG! Licorice: 0-0
DV! Licorice: What? I'm not her lapdog in this universe!

Pure Vanilla: Why did you adopt a part-cake cookie?
Dark Vanilla: Why does Hollyberry on your world tame cakes?
Pure Vanilla: fair point...

OG! Royal berry: I give you black eyes?! And WE HAVE A PET DRAGON?!
DV!Dark Choco: Yes...and why are you surprised about the dragon? Dark Cacao has one of his own, their names are Oreo and Cream.
OG! Royal berry: WHAT?!

DV!Red Velvet: Get friends you prick
DV! Dark Choco: Get a life stubborn fuck
DV! Custard: Get the urge to stop arguing for once you two...


Dark Vanilla: Why'd you turn me into an edgy prick?
Me: Well...originally you were gonna be evil...
Dark Vanilla: I rephrase my statement...

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