Run-ins with trouble

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3rd POV
After the main crew travers through the sandy desserts and the trials of the Gates, They finally arrive at the Crimson Gates...

"This gate will transport us to the entrance, it may feely weird at first...but it will be worth it!" Custard spoke, reassuring the crew. "I don't care about what happens, but I can't wait any longer!" Chili Pepper exclaimed. She ran towards the gates...

"Woah! Chili Pepper Cookie, wait!" Strawberry Cookie spoke, mostly excited but nervous. "Looks like she's excited..." Wizard Cookie remarks, his face looking unamused. "Welp! Let's head on over then!" Gingerbrave exclaimed and proceeded to follow the two Cookies.

Custard and Wizard Cookie went after, only to see that Gungerbrave has outran Chili Pepper Cookie. Unintentionally starting a race...

The fun lasted until...

The sounds of 5 arrows hit the ground, piercing the floor, blocking the entrance. Custard's eyes widened recognizing the Arrows. "Behind me!" Custard spoke the others did as he told. Meanwhile holding their respective weapons in defense.

"What was that?" Strawberry Cookie asked shocked at the sudden attack. "The St. Pastry Order...only one Cookie has those types of arrows..." Custard said in a serious tone. "You mean the group that spread lies about your kingdom?" Gingerbrave asked to confirm.

"Lies? Is that what he told you?" A voice came from atop the gate and a Cookie dropped down, held and Aimed her Crossbow at the young prince and the Cookies.

"Lies? Is that what he told you?" A voice came from atop the gate and a Cookie dropped down, held and Aimed her Crossbow at the young prince and the Cookies

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"You are the liar here, dear seems as though I was wrong about're just as corrupted as your father..." The Cookie spoke, as Custard went into a defensive position. "Reverend Mother Pastry..." Custard remarks. Gingerbrave is surprised...but then goes into defense...ready to knock out Pastry...

"How dare you step foot into this place? You trespass into our kingdom's sacred gates?" Custard spoke sternly and angry. How could he not? The Cookie right in front of them has belittled his kingdom's name and now she has trespassed to a land that was clearly theirs.

"You trespassed unto the lands first! With the added addition you have messed with blessed Cookies from the godly!" Pastry Cookie exclaimed, meanwhile pointing the crossbow at them. "The godly? You mean the Witches?" Wizard Cookie asks. "I see you HAVE met them...well in that case...Young Prince, hand over the Cookies or face punishment!" Pastry Cookie orders.

"I will not let you take them Reverend Mother Pastry! You'll have to go through me if you want them!" Custard exclaimed. Pastry Cookie, in anger fires her arrow as Custard blocks it with a protection spell.

"Lightning Strike!" Wizard Cookie chants, hitting Reverend Mother Pastry. Unfortunately, the next arrow she was about shoot, pierced through the emblem that allowed the Cookies to be transported to the Crimson Kingdom.

"Oh no!" Exclaimed Strawberry Cookie. "We're trapped! The portal is turning red!" Custard looks back and sees the results. "It's not destroyed, but it WILL transport us to another place other than my kingdom." Custard spoke worriedly, "hold on!"

Everyone went towards Custard as he taps on the emblem on attached to his cape. It glowed bright red as little sparks started to siege through his body unto his staff.

"By the power of the Vanilla Kingdom, protect me!" Custard chanted a spell, as soon as that happened, a huge orb of protection was casted unto the gang. "Alright, let's run in!" Custard yells. "Everyone on 3!" Gingerbrave exclaims. "One, two, three!"

They all bolted towards the portal united and disappeared through the portal. It closes shortly after. "Forgive me, my gods...I have failed...

But that does not stop the next time we meet..." Pastry Cookie remarks.


The gang roll down a large hill in the valley, and near a village tree. The orb hits the tree, only enough to break the orb itself and not let the tree topple over...

"Ugh..." Chili Pepper groans... "Did we make it?" She asks. The gang try to make sense and stand up without stepping on each other. Key word "Try" as they accidentally stepped on each other for a while...

"Where are we?" Gingerbrave asks. Custard looks around... "I'm not sure..." he says. "Let me check..." He pulls out a map as a guide. When suddenly Wizard Cookie hears whispers in the area. "Uhh, guys?" His uneasiness increases when he hears footsteps, fortunately Strawberry and Gingerbrave hear it too holding their weapons as Custard tries to locate where they are...
"Show yourself!" Chili Pepper yells, Custard looks back this time and sees them getting a bit defensive.

Out of the shadows comes out two Cookies...their hairs were red and they wore thick Kimono outfits. Both holding sticks with the leaves still on...

"Prince Custard?" One of the cookies spoke...Custard then thought, then remembered. "Oh! Priestess! Forgive me for trespassing..." Custard spoke then bowed in apology. "No need for apologies Prince Custard, we owe your brother Red Velvet for protecting our lands for this long..." The priestess spoke. "You know this place Custard?" Strawberry asked. "Yep, just remembered! Although I've never been to their village, I do remember what the Cookies here look like, welcome to Pomegranate Village!" Custard spoke. That's all it took for the gang to put their weapons away.

"We are humbled that you are here to visit Prince Custard...but may I ask, what is your business here?" Priestess Cookie A spoke. "We were chased by Reverend Mother Pastry." Custard answered.

"Reverend Mother Pastry? Oh...the Cookie causes so much trouble!" Priestess Cookie B remarks. "Yeah, she blocked us from the gates of the Crimson Kingdom and broke the emblem, causing us to take a wrong turn..." Wizard Cookie added. His frustration hidden away. "I see...I thought maybe you heard about our trouble and your father had no choice to send you." Priestess Cookie spoke. Many must have heard the news that Prince Dark Choco Cookie and Prince Red Velvet Cookie were called to the Hollyberry Kingdom for aid and assistance.

"What sort of trouble?" Custard asked concerned as did the gang.

"The previous Priestess before me, Pomegranate Cookie has returned" Priestess Cookie spoke.

"The previous Priestess before me, Pomegranate Cookie has returned" Priestess Cookie spoke

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"And she has help...."

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