The Grimm Ranger

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I went ranging up on the outskirts, firelight gave me away.
I went ranging up on the outskirts, firelight gave me away
Oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh
Light to blind me
For in these eyes there's never enough light to blind me.

In seriousness, i went to the edge of this little town. Apparently Grimms everywhere. Folks getting more scared with each passing second.

I guess it's kinda my job to protect them. Don't know....just feels right.

I'm... i haven't decided on the name yet, but folks calls the Grim Ranger. From Earth and here to kick ass.

It happened one day: I just got out of the subway in New York City and somehow ended up here.

And got younger too. Neat.

Stuff happens, kill some bad folks, got me some NCR-look-alike gear and wandered off as the Grim Ranger.

So... i went ranging up on the outskirts, the fireflies gave me away.
Away to the Creatures of Grimm.

I'm not afraid. I know fear, and Grimms aren't one of them.

But at night I don't go out too far.
Blinded eyes and blinking stars.
For the thing that I hold true.
It ain't just the dark it's the dark in you.

Grimms are watching me. From the treeline. And i watch them. They remind me of Earth's monsters, but more shadowy.

Werewolf are like Beowolfs, etc. I think there's even a nuckelavee Grimm if i remember correctly from the show.

And I know.
Waiting on the outskirts, waiting for me.
To strike.

I quickly grabbed my six shot revolver and fired with almost precise aim. Killing 5, wounded 1.

The rest charge at me. Looking at me with evil, but hungry eyes.

Grimms don't eat people. Just hungry for your death.

I dodged one Grimm before equipping my sniper and killing it with a single shot.

More Grimms are closing in on me.

I began firing again, only dodging when it's necessary.

I was waiting up on the outskirts, starlight fell on our faces.
Oh I said it, don't you go out there, I won't get 'em to stay.
Oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh.
Light to blind me.
For in these eyes there's never enough light to blind me.

The battle for the hill continues. When i eventually ran out of bullets, i use grenades. And, of course, that ran out. Now i started fighting them my knife.

When the sun raises, i was the only thing standing. I'm tired, hungry, and kinda hurt. But i won. That's all it matters.

The folks are safe. For now.

I grabbed Tartarus and absorb the Grimm dusts into the gun.

Grim Ranger: Not enough....

I went back to town unsatisfied. Not for the praise, but for the food and rest.

They thanked me a thousand times over my meal and while i patched my wounds. Yay... -_-

Grim Ranger: I'll be leaving, ma'am. By 8 AM. No more, no less.

Caretaker: Why 8 am?

Grim Ranger: So i can arrived on time.

Caretaker: For what?

Grim Ranger: For school. Agh....

It's my last year at Coquina Oscuro Academy and my break is almost over. I got two days left to leave and arrive on time. In school, i go by (N/n), but i don't think that's gonna stick.

Tomorrow morning, i left exactly on 8 AM. Nothing too exciting on my way there.

I arrived to my school on time two days later and entered my class. It's the last semester, so a lot of people are taking this seriously. Kinda.

Teacher: Students, i want to think about you want to do in life. But screw that, you all to become a huntsman or huntress, don't you?

The class roared in excitement.

The teacher does have point. Most of everyone wants to be become a hunter. But that's kinda a bad thing. It means essential workers are in high demand.

I sigh.

I wanna help, but how? I like helping folks, but I'm violent as hell. I guess the economy just needs to last until i kill every last Grimm on Remnant. After all, it is my purpose.

Days passed me by like nothing. It seems like i was out of it. Like someone took control of time for a bit.

I just need to finish my school and then I'm be on the plot i recognize. Sweat.

The Rwby universe is going be so much fun.

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