Chapter 6: First Day in Hell

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I crawled out of the Grimm Pool as the other Grimms watched with curiosity and confusion.

I was in such great pain and hatred, i forgotten who i was and my purpose. I attacked any Grimms that dared to came near. Tearing at their throats, and ripping them apart easily.

I was such in a blind state i hadn't realized Salem was standing in front of him.

Salem: What are you?

I didn't answer. I just hissed and attacked her before running away. I ran on the ocean like it's my property until i arrived... at the Kingdom of Vacuo.

Where i met a giant Crow.....

'Wake up.'


'Wake up.'
'Wake up.'
'Wake up.'

I opened my eyes and lifted my upper body out of the cold bathtub. And no, i wasn't drugged and my livers were taken. They're long gone anyway.

I sleep in a bath of water and ice because.... it's only way to keep the Grimm side of me away. It's not a miracle, but it helps.

'Tiimmme for schhoool!~'

That Voice in my head singed.

'I just hope it's not boring.'

I got out of the bath and dried off and looked at the mirror. My red eye glow slightly before stopping completely. I'm good for now. As long as things don't get extremely violent.

Walking out of the bathroom, i scanned my new room. Since technically I don't have a team, i only have one bed that I'll never use.

I walked towards the closet and took out the school uniform, sighing.

Rev: Let's get ready for Hell.

I got on the uniform and my new scroll and started my walk towards my first class.

I know this sounds cliche, but i was really in a mood for music. Cause why the fuck not.

Later, I arrived on time to Port's class and turned off my music. Lol i forgot to wake team Rwby and JNPR. Too bad, i guess.

Port: Morning, Mr. Grimm. Please, take a sit anywhere. Class is about to begin.

Rev: Morning to you, too, Professor Port.

To my surprise, both the teams are on time. Nice. The timeline is changing. Slowly, but surely.

I sat at random spot and relaxed until class start.

Port cleared his throats, gaining everyone's attention.

Port: Morning and welcome to your first day Grimm Study!

Port began his lecture.

Port: Monsters! Deeeemons... Prowlers of the night! Yes, the creatures of Grimm have many names, but I merely refer to them as prey! Ha-ha!

Lol. I chuckled at that.

Everyone else didn't chuckle. =/

I scanned the room and see everyone is already doing their own thing. This is why Vale fell by dumbass criminals. Cause all the heroes are dumber.

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