The Beast of Legend

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In a filthy alleyway, i was about to take off my backpack and wear my Grimm Ranger armor, but i heard familiar voices. No, not in my head.

I walked out of alleyway and spotted Team RWBY without Blake walking through the empty streets of Vale.

Ruby: She's been gone all weekend...

We're at that point of the original story? I guess some things have to happen.

Weiss: Blake's a big girl, I'm sure she can handle herself!

Eh, that's true.

Yang: Weiss, come on. She's one of our teammates.

Weiss: Is she? We all heard what she said!

Ruby: Weiss.

Yang: Maybe she is, maybe she isn't. Either way, she's missing, and we need to find her!

Weiss: A member of the White Fang! Right underneath our noses!

Ruby: I just hope she's okay...

Rev: Hey guys.

Ruby: AGH!

She jumped on Yang.

Rev: Well, good evening to you too, Red.

Ruby: Sorry, sorry....

Ruby hopped off from her sister.

Yang: Hey Rev. We're looking for Blake. Have you seen her?

Rev: Nope. I'll help you look for her.

Afterall, I need to find Sun. I'm itching for a bloody fight.

For the past hour, we've been shouting for Blake. I knew it was pointless from the beginning, and everyone starting to believe so.

Ruby: Blaaaake!

Yang: Blaaaake!

Rev: BLAAAAAAAAKE!! Ow, my throat....

I rubbed my throat as we continue walking through town and calling in vain for our missing friend.

Ruby: Blaaaaaaaake! Where aaaare yoooouuuu!?

Yang: Blake!

Ruby: Weiiiiss, you're not helping!

Weiss: Oh! You know what might be able to help? The police!

Rev: Good idea. We'll file a missing person.

Everyone stopped walking. Ruby looked at us and crossed her arms in irritation.

Ruby: Ugh, Weiss...Rev.

Weiss/Rev: It was just an idea!/ I was joking!

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