A Grimm Fairytale

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'Once, in a time forgotten by everyone but four people: Ozpin, Salem, and The Gods, told by a mad man with a cult following that worshipped the God of Darkness and Grimms.

The mad man had a dream, a premonition, of a Beast so dangerous it could end life itself.

The Beast is born out of the Grimm Pool, feral and monstrous towards it's own kind. It ran away from the Island of Grimms and reached the land of Humans, where it was met by a giant crow.

'Little fox, little fox, where are you going at this speed?' Asked the Crow.

'Away. Away from the Grimms.' Replied the Fox.

'But aren't you a Grimm? Why run from them?'

'A Grimm i am, but wish i wasn't. I may not have soul like the rest, but my mind is human. Please Crow, help me get away. I'm....afraid.'

The Crow, seeing someone in desperate need of help, took the Fox under it's wings and raised the Fox as his own son.

The Crow trains the Fox to fight and to act like a human too. Soon they become a fighting duo, traveling the world and helping people in need.

But eventually, they decided to separate when the Fox became mature enough to travel on his own.

He fought his way through thiefs, murders, Grimms, etc. And soon he found the island of Grimms, completing the Dark Crown trials and taking the title as the "King of Grimms".

The Fox, now King, trains a Yellow Knight and named him "The Grimm Knight".

With the knight and crown, he will decide whether he should end Grimms....or end life itself.'

This story, among others, survived into the "New Age" and immediately been rewritten a thousand times over. This is the closest to the original Ozpin has.

He doesn't know why he re-read the short story, but his mind constantly drift back to it. Especially when he thought of Rev.

Ozpin glances outside when he heard the explosion. His eyes immediately on Rev and Weiss.

Glynda arrived shortly.

Glynda: I'm sure you felt that. What should i do?

Ozpin: It's fine, Glynda. Let's pardon them.

He did not turn to look at her.

Glynda looked at the book Ozpin was reading.

Glynda: Agh, the "Grimm King". Always hated that story. It makes no sense.

Ozpin: Yeah...but..

Glynda: But what, Professor Ozpin?

Ozpin: Do you think there's might be some truths behind it?

Glynda laughed, thinking Ozpin is joking. She stopped immediately when she realized he was serious.

Glynda: No, Professor Ozpin, not personally.

Ozpin: Hm, well it's about that time to give the speech.

Glynda: Agh... i hate that speech, too.

Ozpin: Me too, but it's something i was ordered to do every year.

Glynda: Lead the way.

Together, they took the elevator down and went off to the auditorium.

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