Late Night Scenario

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I'm In a world of compete Darkness, surrounded by different types of Grimms that are barely visible by the dim light of my mind.

'I'm just saying! Is he even trying to find her?!' The Beowolf shouted at the other Grimms.

'Thisss hasss been difficult for all of usss.' One of the head of The King Taijitu stated.

'At least he's been giving us blood from the White Fangs.' The Deathstalker seems happy enough.

'As much as i enjoy chaos and violence, our main mission is "to prevent the Fall" as Rev put it. It is necessary to find Neo and train the new Team KHOS. Rev just needs a little more time.' The Nuckelavee said.

'WE DON'T HAVE TIME!' The Beowolf yelled. 'It's fucking easier to let the Fall happen, him taking his place as our King AND ENDING ALL LIFE ON REMNANT!'

'Watch your fucking tongue, dog! He is our King and we will listen to him!' The Ursa told off the Beowolf.

And like clockwork, this started a huge fight.

The Beowolf and The Ursa has never liked each other and they fight every single day. It gets annoying really quick.

'You have a visitor.' The Mysterious Voice said.

I sprung out of the bathtub and listened for any noise. A couple of seconds went by before i heard a knock.

I got up from my icy bath and after drying off and putting on clothes, i answered my door.

Rev: Ruby? Why are you still doing up? It's like.... hella-late o'clock.

Ruby: Ah, y'know, the usual. Was talking to Jaune about our homework assignment tomorrow, being locked out of my room, and basically your my only hope now.

Rev: ......

Ruby: .....

Rev: What? The fuck? You're locked out?

She nodded.

Rev: Couldn't you just knock on your own door and probably Yang or your other teammates will let you in?

Ruby:(Sarcasm detected) Oh wow, Rev! Such a great idea! Wonder why i didn't think of that?

Rev: Sarcasm is unbecoming of you.

Ruby: I learned from the best. Aka Cardin and Weiss. And sometimes Blake.

Rev: So tell me why can't you just knock on your door?

Ruby: As it turns out, my team are heavy sleepers. You can fire .50 cal rifle right next to their ears and they wouldn't even stir.

Could this be considered cliche? I wouldn't know, i don't watch a lot of anime.

Rev: But why me? Couldn't you get Jaune or someone else.

Ruby: If i were to get Jaune, I'll most likely wake up his team. Or, alternatively, i could wake you and not bother other people since you live alone.

Rev: ....That's practical.

Ruby: I learned that from you.

Rev: So glad our training is actually pulling off. Alright, let's try to pick a lock.

We went over to her dormitory and crouch down next to the keyhole.

Ruby: Do you actually know how to do this?

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