Ash to Ash, Dust to Dust

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If i remember correctly, Roman is supposed rob this bitch.

"Dust till dawn." I think that's a reference to something. Or a pun....? Don't really know nor care.

I entered and pretend to care about what the store has. After a bit, Roman's henchmen entered and look around and at the Dust crystals in the display.

Roman approaches the elderly shopkeeper. I bet he has clones lol.

Roman: (flicking his cigar) Do you have any idea how hard it is to find a Dust shop open this late?

One of the henchman points his gun at the shopkeeper.

Shopkeeper: (raising his hands) P-please! Just take my Lien and leave!

Roman: Shhh, shhh, shhh, shhh, calm down, we're not here for your money. (to the henchmen) Grab the Dust.

A henchman opens a case and removes one of several cylinders, which the group uses to take Dust from the tube containers on the walls.

Henchman 1: (placing another open case on the display to the shopkeeper) Crystals. Burn. Uncut.

The shopkeeper proceeds to fill the case. As another henchman goes for another tube and left for some...reason.... Ruby.

I forgot about her. How can i possibly forget about the main character in the first episode!?! Whatever... Let's deal with this.

I started firing, piercing their auras with Elysium; one of my two guns.

I killed one and another before retreating outside. Of course i made sure to absorb the souls of henchmen I killed into my gun.'s not enough.

Don't ask me why at the moment. It's a secret mouseketool that will be used later.

The widow shattered when the henchman and Ruby crash through. The other men look outside as Ruby gets up and unfolds Crescent Rose into its scythe form. Roman scowls, but Ruby smiles back at them before twirling the weapon around, striking it into the ground and turning off her headphones.

John: Show off.

Roman: Okayyy... (to his remaining henchmen) Get them!

John: Just like the fanfics. -_- |it bothers me lot|

The henchmen head out of the shop and run at us, while Ruby is doing stunts like her life depends on it, i just been simply shooting and absorbing their souls.

Roman: You were worth every cent. Truly, you were. (to us(the fuckers), dropping his cigar and crushing it with his cane as approaching police sirens are heard) Well, Red, Bucket Head, I think we can all say it's been an eventful evening, and as much as I'd love to stick around... (raises his cane and opens the bottom to reveal a rifle with a cross grid) ...I'm afraid this is where we part ways.

Roman unleashes a red blast at us, who fires at the ground and Ruby leaps over it.

I already walked out of the way before he finished talking.

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