On Time Christmas Special

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Rev laid on his bed, staring blankly at the ceiling in nothing but a while shirt and black short pants.

Hee currently doesn't wanna get up from his bed. Today is Christmas and that means it's his birthday and he hates it.

For many other reasons that wasn't obvious. Today is the anniversary of Loki's death, Sun annuary Mountain Training trip, which was new to Rev, but whatever. And Mercury, well he was given an assignment from Cinder. He was alone today.

Rev: Why am I cursed with terrible birthdays?

Back on Earth, his birthday was April 1st. He does not have a good record with birthdays either.

'Boooo! Do something!'
'You lasted last Christmas by doing nothing!'
'While you did nothing last year, Adam destroyed an entire town. What do you think he'll do next this Christmas?!'

He brushed off the Voices and got up to be in the snow for a little bit.

The freezing weather comforts him in way. Everytime he takes a bath, the hash cold sharpens his broken mind and can act normally around people and have control over himself for a while.

He then began to wonder why the God of Darkness chose him. Was it his beliefs? Religion? Personality? Was he still the same after leaving Earth? He can't recall back into his old memories anymore. At least most of it.

He remembers liking school for one reason: his friends. He had a group of friends that closely resembles his new ones. Especially his History teacher. What was his name again?

Wait.... was there a war about to happen on Earth? For the life of him, he could not remember.

New York is all he knows by now....

Rev kicked the snow with his barefoot before sitting down on it with his knees close to his chest.

He stayed there for a bit and then he heard his scroll dinged once. Taking it out, it was a message from his dad.

"Happy Birthday, kid. I'm sorry we couldn't be there, but we'll see you right before the festival starts. I promise. Take care."

He smiled warmly and went back inside. But not immediately to his dorm. He went to eavesdrop on Cinder to make sure her plan to hack Ozpin's office scroll hasn't changed. He used his superior hearing to catch this.

Cinder: I like to know more about Mercury's semblance, and the reason he never used it until that Rev kid fought him.

Emerald: And why he never told us that he has brothers.

Cinder: Keep a eye on Mercury. I'll deal with his brothers....if they're useful, I'll find a way to recruit them. And if not....

Emerald: What about the plan?

Cinder:  Nothing changed. As long as we follow the plan, Beacon will fall.

Rev heard enough and walked away, counting himself lucky that he catched that. He thought things might get complicated because of Mercury's semblance, but it seems everything is going smoothly.

His next stop was Team JNPR. Rev thought he has the opportunity to tell Jaune of his involvement in this Grimm world, but he decided to eavesdrop first, just to check he wasn't ruining Pyrrha's moment or some other cliche.



Rev heard lots running and giggling.

Pyrrha: Try not to hurt yourselves! (giggle)

Ren: Maybe we shouldn't have upgraded her hammer.

Pyrrha:(laughing) It'll be fine.

After she said that, Rev heard several crashes and... cats? You know what, tomorrow is a better day to tell Jaune anyway.

His next destination is Team RWBY. He wanted to see if one of them is willing play video games with them.

Then suddenly.....

Ruby: Yang! Where's the apples?!

Yang: Apples? What apples?

Ruby:(sarcasm) You know... one of the only I brought from the supermarket.

Yang: I haven't seen them. But I think there's cherries though. Use that.

Ruby: UGH! Fine.

He shrugged and went towards Team CRDL's dorm. Then he remembered Cardin left Beacon for the holidays.

Rev sighed and decided to see what the teachers are up to.

He walked passed Oobleck's class, almost missing the people inside. He went back and peek through the door window.

Doctor Oobleck and Professor were sitting and chatting away with wrapping papers in the trash. It seems they've given each other gifts.

This makes Rev smile and continue on his merry way.

He went to check Professor's Glynda class, but again he just remembered she also left for the holidays. Professor Peach as well he believed.

Peeking out to the courtyard and into Ozpin's Office, he could see him with a santa hat watching a Christmas movie with popcorn.

It seems everyone is busy today.

He went back to his dorm and laid back down on his bed, staring blankly at the ceiling before he interrupted by a knock.

Rev answered the door and found Ruby, smiling up at him and with her hands behind her back.

Rev: Oh hey, Ruby. Merry Christmas.

Ruby: You mean "Merry Christmas and Happy Birthday"?

Ruby quickly revealed what she was hiding and it was.... cherry pie with a single candle.

Rev: You.... remembered?

Ruby: Well, duh, I'm here am I? Come on, let's celebrate.

Ruby entered Rev's room and sat the pie down. The Messiah smiled and took a sat across the Reaper.

They talked about a lot things, from Yang's terrible jokes to 'Where the hell is Violet?'

One other thing did happen though: Rev's respect for Ruby grew three sizes that day.

DriftAsh: Damn.... I forgot to add Krampus in this chapter. Eh, maybe next year.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 25, 2022 ⏰

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