Who's this?

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The next morning I was sleeping, dreaming about some shit I don't really know. All I know is I would much rather be in dream land than where I was in the real world. I'm peaceful here and I can lucid dream, meaning I can control what goes on in my dream of can watch myself do something in a dream. There is a bit more to it than that but that's the basics of it.

When all of a sudden there is a burst of music booming down my ear. When I tell you my heart leapt from my chest it almost sent me into hyperventilation. I unintentionally throw punches towards the noise in a fight or flight moment and end up putting my fist through a cheap speaker. Cutting my hand on the metal and plastics of the machine. I look towards a new sound, which is Zak laughing.
I grit my teeth and throw myself out of bed towards him.

"ARE YOU TRYING TO KILL ME!" I shout. Zak still laughing.

"Baby if I wanted to kill you, I would have done it while you were lucid dreaming."

"But how did you..."

"How did I know you were lucid dreaming? What? You don't think I know how to lucid dream? I know the position when I see it..." He winks at me. I roll my eyes. "...Get dressed. We are leaving to open the museum soon..." He leaves the room. "...I'm leaving in ten minutes, whether you're dressed or not." He shouts up. I look around the room and sigh, sinking down to the floor with my back against the door.

Luckily for me, I went home after my encounter with Zak and collected some clothes for me to wear for the next few days.
Remember me saying I was a big girl. Well I wasn't lying, I can now wear a jumper that was tight on me as a dress and you bet your ass that's what I have done today:

 Well I wasn't lying, I can now wear a jumper that was tight on me as a dress and you bet your ass that's what I have done today:

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I am finishing my look when Zak opens the door. I turn towards him.

"Zak! You should knock."

"This is my house. We're leaving. Put some fucking clothes on." He scowls. "You look like a working girl." He then leaves the room. When he leaves the room I flip him the finger and grab my bag, following him out the house. "You can follow me in your car, which one is yours?" He asks. I point to the impala. "Ha! Yeah right. Seriously, which one is yours?" He laughs. I pull out my key and unlock my car opening the door.

"Seriously, this one is mine." I smile sarcastically at him.

"Cool we are taking your car today." He then gets in the passenger side of my car. I roll my eyes and purse my lips with anger taking a deep breath, this is my job right to be his PA, and chauffeur.

Zak has his head in his phone all the way to the museum. I stop in the car park and pull in.

"We are here Zak."


"You don't live very far from your building. You could have walked." I say.

"So could you princess." He smiles at me.

"Don't call me princess." I say scowling at him walking towards the building.

"Hey...!" He chases after me grabbing my arm and turning me to face him. "...you may not like me and I definitely don't like you, but I am your boss, show some respect."

"Zak?" Came a voice. Both Zak and I turn to see a small blonde haired woman, middle aged looking at us both.

"Mom! Hi!" He beams a smile at her and hugs her. Shit he's being nice to a female. She pats his back.

"Who's this?" She asks.

"This is my new PA. I can't remember her name."

"I'm Omia Phoenix. It's nice to meet you..."


"Nancy, your son is a really charmer. I love working for him."

"Really? How long you been in the same room?" She asks with surprise.

"Around 12 hours." I smile.

"Wow that's a record. Zak can we try and be nice to Omia please." His mom raises her eyebrows. Zak rolls his eyes and enters the building, turning on the lights and opening the shutters. I go to walk in when Nancy grabs my arm.
"Omia, please be careful around him. He doesn't keep female company for a long period of time. And he has a slight temper. More specifically after a hunt. Please, I'm here if you need anything. But, don't give up on him that easily." She looks genuinely worried.

"Nancy. Don't you remember me? I think you helped my family once. Christmas, the Knight family. It's me Cally." I whisper.

"Cally? Is that really you? Your parents said you'd run off the be a hooker what happened?"

"Dancer and I became a dancer. Listen, I'd appreciate it if you didn't tell Zak. I'm sure it wouldn't come as a surprise to you but he wasn't the kindest person to me in high school. And he hasn't recognised me yet, so please. Can we keep this between the two of us?" I almost beg.

"Don't worry Omia, I won't say a word." She smiles at me. I smile in return and hug her.

"Are you two coming or what?!" Zak shouts from inside the building. We both enter the building and I am hit with a wave of dizziness. I stumble on my feet a little and feel a hand go around my arm. I look up to see a hazy Zak holding me. "What's wrong with you?" He asks. I shake him off me and scowl at him.

"Nothing I'm fine." I bite.

"Ok well I would give you a tour of the place but that would be boring and a wast of time that could be have been paid for. Find your own way around." Zak shoulder barges past me.
"Oh and by the way, I like my coffee white, not black." Zak then slams the door to the office and isn't seen from for a while.
I look at Nancy who seems quite upset.

"I didn't raise him to be like this. He, he was a nice person, until he left high school. That's when this hatred towards women started. Said a girl in high school shattered his heart. Never mentioned her name but a mother knows when her son is hurting. You said he wasn't the nicest to you in high school, what did he do to you exactly?" She asks.

"It's what he didn't do that was the problem Nancy."

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