The "Help"

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A year passes and Zak and Holly had began a new relationship. Aaron, Jay, and Billy don't know what they were like together in high school. All they see is a pretty couple with happy smiles. When in actual fact they are Kane and Lilith when they are together. 

We are all together, in a restaurant everyone with their significant other, all accept me. Zak looks at me and he has a look on his face, but I couldn't decipher whether it was hatred or sympathy. He is kind of giving me both of them vibes. Holly notices him staring at me, when she places her hands on his face and she guides his lips towards hers in spite. I look down at my hands on the table out of discomfort. Aaron notices this and places his hand flat on my back. 

"Omia? Are you ok?" He asks quietly. His girlfriend Sara leans around Aaron to look at me too. Causing Billy, Diana, Jay and Ashley to look at me too. 

"I'm fine you guys." I say awkwardly.

"Are you sure? You don't look fine?" Zak says. I look at Zak and scowl slightly. 

"Babe she said she's fine so she fine." Holly says. 

"No. You don't know her like I do Holly. I know when she not fine." Zak turns to her.

"I... I'm just hungry, that's all." I lie. 

"Hey Omia, I was meaning to ask. Where is your boyfriend?" Holly pushes. 

"Holly!" Zak bites. 

"What? I'm only asking." 

"Zak. It's fine, it's just a question. And in answer to that question. I don't have one. Never have. My current job, me, living with Zak and all would be a little...Awkward to hold a relationship..."

"So it's my fault?" Zak bites. 

"I didn't say that. I'm saying I would much rather have my job with you than be in a relationship."

"I'm more important than your happiness?" Zak asks and I scoff a little.

"I didn't say that either. I'm just saying that right now, I'm happy where I am..." I look towards Holly. "...Without a boyfriend. I know women think that being in a relationship is the key to happiness, but it's not. The key to happiness is surrounding yourself with people who make you smile. Make you feel good. And do what you love doing."

"And you decided Zak is one of those people who make you happy?" Aaron asks. The group snickers a little. 

"He pays me, so yeah I guess he does." I reply causing a bust of laughter from everyone but Holly. Food begins to come over to the table and I feel a bathroom break brewing. I stand up to go, when Holly stands up with me. 

"Where are you going?" Zak asks. 

"To the bathroom." She says, as if he should already know. He looks up at me with concern.

"Better to be in pairs baby. Come join me if you're bored." She then struts ahead of me. I look back at Zak. 

"I'll be fine." I say. I then walk into the stall and do my business. When coming out I stand next to Holly. She is doing her make up in the mirror and I am washing my hands, when she turns to me and says.

"Did you think I wouldn't notice?" She asks. Shit! I knew she would figure out who I am. 

"Notice what?" I ask, playing dumb to her question.

"Oh come, it's obvious." 

"What is!" 

"You're in love with Zak." That's definitely not what I thought she was going to say. 

"Excuse me?" 

"Come on, I know you're the help but don't play dumb with me. I see the way you look at him when you think no one is looking, but guess what bitch I looking and now I'm watching you. Always, you think because you live with him and I don't you can wiggle worm your way into his bed. Ha. I've known to stoop low levels in his life, but never the help. So if I were you. I'd lower you standards sweetheart. Because he, wouldn't even give you a second look. You're not worth it." Holly say. Just then, Ash, Diana and Sara come into the room. 

"Sorry Zak made us come and check if you're ok." Sara says. 

"I'm fine just having a chat with Omia." 

"Actually he sent us to see if Omia, was ok?" Ash says. I look back at Holly who has a look of utter rage on her face. She storms out of the room and I join the girls. 

"What was that about?" Sara asks.

"Nothing. She's a charming woman." I say sarcastically. 

Time passes and Holly, Zak and I had gone back to Zak's place and I vacated to my room out the way of whatever Holly is about to create. I don't really hear much until the very end of the argument. 

"...All I'm saying is I don't like the way she looks at you."

"She hates me Hol. You're creating something out of nothing she hates me." Zak says. 

"Why are you sticking up for her? She's the help."

"SHE'S NOT!..." It's at this moment I step out of the room and watch. "... I hate it when you call her the help. She's a person Holly and she has a name just like you do." 

"What has gotten into you? It's like you're the one that has the hots for her... Zak is silent for a moment. "...Oh my god. You're in love with the help." 

"Her name is Omia." Zak growls. "And I don't have the hots for her." 

"Whatever Zak. Don't call me...Ever." She then leaves the building and doesn't come back. Zak looks down at the floor then up towards the balcony and disappears into the kitchen. I slowly make my way down the stairs and into where Zak is. 

"I'm sorry." I apologies.

"Don't, it wasn't your fault. Holly has always been the jealous type, even back in high school. There was this one girl she erm... Never mind. Pretty girls, she's always hated girl she found prettier than her." 

"She  think I'm pretty?" 

"She must do." There is a moment of silence and I sit opposite him at the table. 

"Thank you for sticking up for me. You, didn't have to do that." 

"Of course I did you're my friend." 

"I am?" Zak just smiles sympathetically at me. I look down at my hands then back up at him. "For the record. I don't hate you." 

"You don't?" 

"Ha. Not anymore." I stand up and stand in front of where Zak is. Zak stands up and I wrap my arms around him in a hug. Zak sinks into the hug and I don't know if its relief or closer but I'm not lying when I say I don't hate him. 

Zak steps away from me and and looks down at me with a genuine smile.

"Call her Zak. Make it up to her. Hell invite her to your Halloween party." I say. Zak sighs and pulls out his phone to call Holly and I vacate back into my room.

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