High school.

45 4 1

6am. My alarm goes off for school. My last year of high school starts today. New year new me right? All that bullshit. Yeah right! If that's the case why are my pants getting tighter. Size 22 and my life is a living hell. I've been dieting, how can I be getting bigger? I know all bodies are beautiful and believe me I've tried to see the beauty in myself, but when Scott Langdon and his bum boys take the piss out of your weight on a daily and are subtly abusing you because of your weight your self confidence 'weirdly' disappears. I look at myself in the mirror:

I didn't like looking at myself and to be honest I wanted this year to be over quicker than I can eat my breakfast

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I didn't like looking at myself and to be honest I wanted this year to be over quicker than I can eat my breakfast. Which consists of a grape and a milkshake. My parents have already left for work and the bus will be here any... *beep beep*... shit!

I grab my bag and run as fast as I could to the end of my driveway. Just about catching the door.

"Cally! You almost missed the bus again."

"I know I'm sorry Mr Conway." I produce a hard line smile.

"Ahh gee it's a good job your a nice girl. Sit down please Miss Knight." He says. I smile at him and turn to go to the back of the bud. But sat in a line are Scott Langdon and his bum boys. My smile drops and I take a seat that's empty a few seats in front of them. And sink into it as far as I can. I can hear Scott and his friends laughing and whispering among themselves about me, and I know it's about me because Scott comes to sit by me and two of his friends take the seat on front and two take the back, Zak being one of the people behind me. I sit up in fear of the gang of friends, when Scott throws his arm around me.

"Ahhh new year new me lard ass. But for you new year more you. You might want to up your pant size there lard ass other wise they are gonna cut off the blood supply to you brain..." his friends laugh at him. The bus begins to pull up to the school. When Scott continues. "...hey lard ass I got you a welcome back to school present you might like." He then takes a slice of strawberry cream cake from his back and looks down at it. "Do you want it?" He teases. I shake my head and almost pin myself against the window of the bus and I look down the crease to see Zak scowling at me. "Come on baby, taste my cream. You're being rude if you don't accept my gift. Look I'll even feed it to you." Scott finally says. He then shoves the cake in my face and his friends gasp and begin to laugh. Holly, Zak's girlfriend pops up from behind me and says.

"Enjoy that lard ass. It's the only cream from a man a girl like you will ever taste in her life." The group of friends begin to laugh and the bud comes to a halt. Scott and his three friends stand up and exit the bus. I wait a little to clean myself up. Rummaging through my bag for a cloth or something when a shadow catches my attention. I look up to see Zak just staring at me.

"Baby?" Holly pokes her head back in.

"Coming." Zak says. He then exits the bus. Creep.

Lunch time came, and like always I would eat in the bathroom that nobody goes into so I can eat without judgement. Only this time I didn't feel like eating. I just sat and stared at myself in the broken, spider woven mirror and cry. Why? Why do I have to be unhappy in myself? More importantly. Why does Scott think it's acceptable to do the things he does to me? Mascara down my face, I hear the door open to the bathroom and see Scott and his bum boys enter.

"Told you we would find her." Holly's voice echoes in the room. Scott's evil grin slices across his malicious face.

"Hey porky pie. We missed you at lunch..." I look around the room to see Zak guarding the doorway and the rest of them stood around me. "... you eaten this lunch? What am I talking about? Of course you have. Well, I consider myself to be a good friends and have this new technique to help lose weight. It's call guttural impactaiton. See what happens is you apply enough impact into the gut area... he throws a punch. Slamming it into my stomach. "... and if you hits hard enough..." the impact of his fist causes my to curl over. I then feel my mouth begin to water and I burst past them into a stall and throw up. "...then you vomit. Thus in turn. Losing weight..." the group of friends begin laughing. "...don't worry lard ass. I'll be back next week for you next appointment. The door closes and I continue to cry and throw up.

Not 5 minutes later, a teacher and nurse come bursting into the bathroom and come to my aid.

"Cally! Are you ok? What happened?" Mr. Richmond, The head teacher asks.
Thinking for a moment I look at his and say.

"I slipped and fell into the basin sir." I didn't want to tell him the truth because I didn't want to elevate the situation I'm in. The nurse looks at me with concern and then back at Mr. Richmond.

"Cally. You're turning grey." The nurse points out. It is then I begin to throw up some blood and the nurse begins to panic. Concerned greatly the nurse dials 9-1-1 and within minutes the ambulance arrives to collect me.

Days pass. Turns out Scott had ruptured my spleen and I needed an operation on it to fix it. I asked the hospital if I could stay in for my strict bed rest because my parents won't be able to attend to my needs because they are always working. And with special permission I stay a total of 5 days in hospital.

When I arrive home it's later in the evening. My Mom and Dad are both sat around the dining table tapping away on their laptops.

"Cally. Where have you been?" Dad asks.

"I was in the hospital. But you'd know that if you answered your phone."

"Busy with work Cally. Your stay in hospital better not be costly."

"Don't worry. Insurance covered me. I say, staggering across the room and up the stairs. I climb into bed and rest my eyes.

6am. My alarm goes off.

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