Oh shit!

45 4 1

Months pass, and like always Zak and I have been at each other's throat. Cause his arm has been broken he was expecting me to do everything, and I mean everything. In work and at home. Cook the food, answer the phone and door, wash the dishes, and as he liked to call it, 'tuck him into bed' sorry not happening. To be honest it stopped at cooking food. I gave him the benefit of the doubt that he had a cast on his arm and he had broken bones but now he expects it daily and on top of the job anyway.

6am arrives and I get dressed and head downstairs, today is a bit colder than usual, but then again that could just be Zak's house. However I dress warmly for the day:

When I go down the stairs Zak is sat eating breakfast already

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When I go down the stairs Zak is sat eating breakfast already.

"See you've put put some clothes on." Zak says.

"See you've actually done something for yourself. How does it feel to do big boy things boss?"

"I hate you." He growls

"I like you too." I smile sarcastically at him. I then go through the cupboards to find some food to make for myself.

"Omia, I'm meeting an old high school friend today, who I've not seen since leaving school."
Shit here we go I'm going to be recognised by Zak and I'm going to get fired for lying to him.
Play it cool Omia.

"Oh that should be nice, who?"

"Holly Madison."


"What are you? A fucking owl? Holly Madison, playboy bunny."
That doesn't fucking surprise me.

"Nope never heard of her. Sorry." I turn around to compose myself.

I continue to make my breakfast when not long after I finish making it there is a knock at the door. Zak answers and I am frozen in my place. As much as I hate the pair of them, they looked good together. Holly walks into the kitchen and sees me with my plate just resting in my hands.

"Aww thank you help, this looks amazing." She then takes my food off me and proceeds to sit down and eat my food. However, I don't say anything, out of fear or shock I couldn't tell you, I just know that right now, my head is filling itself with horrible memories of these two and I suddenly lose my appetite.

"Holly, that was..."

"Specially made for you..." I look at Zak who scowls at me with confusion. "...I hope you enjoy." I turn to go upstairs, I get halfway down the hall when I'm stopped by Zak's body chest to chest with mine, both of us breathing heavily. I slowly look up at Zak.

"That was your food." He rumbles.

"She's your guest in your house." I mouse.

"And you live here, you made that food."

"Zak I'm fine, I wasn't hungry anyway." I lie. Zak sighs angrily through his nose, takes my arm in his hand and rushes me aggressively against the wall.

"I hate when you don't eat, that means you can't do your job properly. Most importantly, I hate when you lie to me." Zak looks down at me. Holly comes around the corner and sees Zak pinning me against the wall. Holly folds her arms.

"I know what kind of a man you are Zak. But the help, seriously?"

"Fuck you Holly."

"Ooo please do." She raises her eyebrow with a smile. Zak reaches into his pocket and pulls out the keys to the museum.

"Unlock it for me will ya' I'll see you there." He drops the keys into my hands and runs at Holly, picking her up and wrapping her legs around him. Taking her into the other room. Not wanting to stick around, I take  my leave. Upon arrival Nancy is there waiting for the building to be unlocked.

"Omia! Good morning!..." she hugs me. "...where is Zak?" She ask.

"Occupied currently." I widen my eyes.

"What's the poor girls name this time?"

"Holly Madison."

"High school Holly Madison...?" She asks. I nod my head. "... I hated her. Never saw the good in her at all." She cringes almost.

Hours pass and Holly comes into the museum, she looks around for a bit when she spots myself and Nancy, and decides it is a good idea to come over.

"Hey Help. Zak has been looking for you and he is pissed. Have a good day." as a smile scratches across her face, she walks away. As mine and Nancy's head follow her into the office, we instantly snatch our faces towards the door as Zak burst through. Scaring some of the visitors.

"Omia!..." He storms over in anger. "...Where the fuck have you been?" He growls.

"Here like you told me to be." I defend myself.

"No I told you to unlock, I didn't tell you to stay here." He stands with his hands flat on the desk in front of me. I bite the inside of my cheek and rest my hands on the inside of his. Almost nose to nose with him.

"All do respect Sir I wasn't sticking around while you pile drived a woman into your bed. And I would appreciate it if you did raise you're voice to me in front of all these people." I say. Zak looks around and people are staring. Zak takes a step backwards and pushes his tongue into his cheek in annoyance. He nods his head and simply walks away.

"Are you ok Omia?" Nancy asks.

"I'm fine Nance." I smile at her.

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