My Friend Needs Me.

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So it turns out that Larry had kept his little secret up until the last moment. He literally has months left to live. He'd be lucky to make it to Christmas. Zak, like any rational person would, takes this new pretty hard, and almost closes himself off to all emotions. Completely shutting me out, refusing to speak to me and cutting off his friends and family.

After weeks of grief, Zak comes into my room, without knocking, and speaks his first words to me.

"Pack a bag, you're coming to Utah with us." He then leaves the room. I scramble off the bed and run after him.

"That's it. That's all I get from you. Eight words?"

"What else do you want?"

"Zak, I get you're upset. And angry, hell I would be too. But you gotta stop pushing your friends away. Because soon, you're gonna lose a very important person in your life. And your Mom, your siblings, your friends, you gonna need them. I don't care that you treat me like shit. I'm used it. It doesn't phase me. But ignoring Aaron, Meredith. She's losing her dad too Zak. Don't push them away."

"Who do you think you are? To tell me who I should and shouldn't have in my life. You don't know me or my family. You don't know what we've been through. How hard my mom and dad's divorce was for the both of us. Meredith was a wreck. I had to keep a smile on for my mom and my sister, where was my time to realise what happened? With my dad gone out the house I became the man, me, the baby of the family. Protecting my mom and my sister. I had a little advice from my dad before he left, but not nearly enough. Even when my mom remarried, I still felt responsible for the both of them. But I would always have my dad there for advice when I needed it. What's gonna happen when he's gone? Who am I gonna go to when I need advice? Who... who's gonna be my dad when he leaves?" He starts to burst into tears again and I manage to catch him before he hits the floor.
"What am I gonna have Omia?" He whimpers.

"Be there for your sister. And don't push the people who love you most away." His hold on my clothing is so tight, like he's scared to let go. And he cries into my shoulder, both of us on our knees for what seems like hours.

I pack my bag for a 4 day stay over in Utah. Zak said something about a nunnery. But he didn't give details. I come down with my bag and see Zak finishing a conversation on the phone.

"...ok. I love you M. I speak to you soon. Bye." I smile to myself.

"What do I owe you for the flight and hotel?" I ask with a sigh.


"Zak come on don't be fucking stupid. how much do I owe you."

"Nothing. If I want to pay for you to be somewhere with me, then I will pay and expect you to like it." Zak says standing in front of me. 

"Well I don't but if it makes you happy then what the hell." I sigh. He smiles sadly at me. 

"I'm going to go and wait in the SUV. Lock up when you're ready." He then leave the house and I look around the room I'm stood in. Gracie then comes over to sit by my feet and nudges my hand with her nose.

"Me too Grace, me too." I bend down and kiss the top of her head. "See you soon pup." I then leave, locking the door. 

Zak and I are seated next to one another on the plane, He explains my roll in this investigation and I understand perfectly. Although I don't think it's going to be as simple as Zak I making it sound. The first day there Zak had me sorting mics and interviews out getting him coffee and snacks throughout the day, you know...My job. 

We got back to the hotel that night and found Zak and I are next door to each other but sharing a bathroom. I wish everyone a good night as we decided to have a few drinks in the hotel bar, and I make my way up the stairs to my room. I get ready for bed and use the bathroom washing my face and brushing my teeth etc:

As I am brushing my teeth, with toothpaste around my mouth Zak comes into the bathroom

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As I am brushing my teeth, with toothpaste around my mouth Zak comes into the bathroom. 

"Ah! Shit! Sorry Omia." He says about to close the door. 

"Don't be. You can get ready too I don't mind. I promise not to look." I smile. He then brings in his wash bag and I begin to fill the basin with water and he stands beside me at the other. I look at him through the mirror and he catches my gaze. I smile at him. He smiles at me, again with great sadness. His hands drop to the side and he lowers his head. "Zak?"

"I don't deserve you." He says with frustration. I look down at his hand and place mine on top of his. 

"What makes you think you don't deserve me?" I ask. He looks down at his hand and steps away from the counter. I move his bag and sit on the counter top in front of him. Waiting for him to answer. He scowls for a moment then looks up at me. 

"You're too nice to me, and I'm nothing but horrible to you." 

"I'm used to it." 

"YOU GOTTA STOP SAYING THAT!..." He shouts. Scaring me a little. He then steps closer to me, placing his hands either side of my legs on the counter. "...You shouldn't have to be used to it." He says looking down at my legs and a tear falls from his nose on to my thigh. "Before I met you... I treated women like they were, nothing, like they didn't matter. You're the first woman in my life that doesn't find me intimidating. You made me realise that I've been..." 

"A fucktard?" Zak laughs slightly. 

"...Yeah, that." He looks at me for a moment, before placing a hand on my cheek. He then leans round and gently kisses my other one. "Everyone needs a friend like you Omia." I slide off the counter and stare up at him. When I snake my arms around him and hide into his chest. 

"Goodnight Zak."

"Goodnight Omia."

Time passes, 3 maybe 4 hours when I hear a scream come from Zak's room. Shooting me up from my sleep. Without hesitation I run into his room to see him sleeping but thrashing around. I run to his side and pin him to the bed. I try to wake him up but nothing is working. 

"Forgive me." I say. I take a deep breath and raise my hand, bringing the palm of my hand to meet his cheek. This woke him up and he sat up wrapping his arms around me. His breathing heavy and he is sweating. 

"Omia!" He pants. 

Just then Aaron and a security guard burst into the room. They are greeted with a (unbeknownst to me) naked Zak being straddled by me, with him sweating, his arms wrapped around me. Panting. Great this can't look good at all. 

"Sorry dude, you sounded like you were in trouble." Aaron says. 

"I was having a nightmare." Zak continues to pant I get off him and sit on the other side of the bed and curl up into my knees. 

Aaron makes sure he's ok and leaves. Zak rubs his face and looks back at me.

"Thank you." He says. I smile at him. He then comes over and lays his head on my legs, throwing the duvet over me. I hesitate for a moment but place my hand in hair and thread my fingers through it. Sending both of us to sleep almost instantly. 

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