Super Spy.

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Shock sets in. Utter shock. But right now this day isn't about this just yet, Zak I can deal with later. Right now I promised a friend I would help him and that's exactly what I'm going to do.

"Look Lady. You better leave now! Or I'll call the cops."

"No don't! I'll go. But I'll be back." She then turns, all sketchy and shit and runs in the opposite direction. I decide to keep this to myself for now and drive away from the house completely baffled.

Arriving at the brunch spot, I sigh and wipe away a stray tear and when I see the ladies I beam into a huge smile and run over to them, acting like a bunch of teenage girls. 

"HEEEY!" I squeal. As we hug, the rest mutter hello and we eventually sit down. "Sooo, tell me what's new with you guys?" I ask. Diana goes first. 

"So Billy and I have booked a holiday to Venice for July. Sophie will be coming with us too." She explains. 

"Oh that should be amazing. I wish I could go on vacation." I say. The woman laugh amongst themselves. "What?" I ask nervously. 

"Babe we only say this because we are your friends and we love you but this right here with us. This is your vacation. Being Zak's P.A! I'm surprised you're still here. although I will give you this. Since you have come into Zak's life he's different." Ashley states. 

"Yeah about that..." I lower my head and the girls itch forward. "...Zak asked me to be his girlfriend." I cringe slightly anticipating their reaction. All hands come up to their mouths. 

"You said no?" Ashley asks. I shake my head. "You said yes?" I nod. The girls look at each other and smile. "This is awesome news." I sigh with relief at the sound of her words, they looked upset for a moment. 

"You guys really need to be actresses or something. Your fucking faces had me worried for a moment." I state. They all laugh. 

After ordering food and telling the ladies about what happened this morning, they reassured me that no matter how many women  Zak had been with he's always careful and takes precaution. I mean yeah it's not nice to hear about your boyfriend sleeping with other women but its comforting knowing he was safe. 

"Anyway anyway, moving on...!" I change the subject. "...I'm curious. How did Billy and Jay propose?" I ask. After a cute story from each woman and having pretend to be gushy with them aweing at the right moments. When their stories had finished I turn to Sara. "What about you Babes. I know you're not married or engaged but what would be your perfect engagement?" Good one Cal. 

"Oh, I don't know. I guess, Disneyland. The place of happiness. Star Wars and just pure joy." Simple yet effective I guess. She doesn't really say much but I guess I got what I set out to get. 

"What about you?" Ashley asks me. 


"What about you what's your ideal proposal?" 

"I don't wanna get married." I say awkwardly. 

"OH COME ON!" They say collectively. I roll my eyes and think of some made up bullshit. 

"Alright alright! I'll tell you..." I see the girls shuffle in their seats giggling slightly. "...Well, first I wouldn't just marry anyone. But I think when you know, you know. I wouldn't want to be in Vegas. I'd love to be somewhere new, somewhere out the way. A proposal shouldn't be, public or extravagant it should be between you and the one you love. Though out life you are surrounded by people, whether you know them or not. At a family gathering, taking the children to school. Or just going down to the store for some bread, there is always going to be people. But to spend an intimate meaningful moment between you and the one you love, is rare so you have to create them. So mine would be by a waterfall or under the stars." I explain. It is then that the ladies eyes move behind me with a smile on their faces. I turn around to see Aaron and Zak stood behind me. "Great! How long has he been stood there?" I ask. 

"Long enough." He answers. He comes to sit down and I move up so both him and Aaron can sit beside me. Zak puts his closest arm around me and his other hand on my inner thigh, the girls fill Aaron in on what they were talking about when Zak leans over and whispers into my ear. 

"I can't wait to finish where we left off." 

"Oh Zak! Did Mia tell you there was a woman at your house claiming she is pregnant with your child." Diana says. Zak scowls and his head snaps towards me. 

"You what!?" He seems almost angry with me. 

"I was going to tell you when we got home not here." 

"Sweetheart, you should have told me straight away." 

"Well she threatened to come back so you can deal with your girlfriend next time." I say. I stand up, putting my foot in the middle of the table and jumping off and out of the building. I get into my car and drive back to Zak's house. When I get in I slam the front door shut and storm up to my room, slamming that door too.  

Not long after I hear Zak come through the door after me. I hear him coming up the stairs and I lay on my front facing the wall. Zak then burst through my door. 

"Cally! Talk to me, why didn't you tell me?" He asks. 

"Because I didn't want to ruin Aaron's plans. And it could wait, it wasn't important."

"Wasn't important!? You were attack in our home." Zak shouts. I go to shout back but halt in my tracks. 

"Our home?" I ask with confusion.

"Well yeah, you live here too don't you?" 

"Only because it's my job too." 

"But that's not your job anymore." Zak mentions. I lower my head. 

"Right, well, I'll just be going then." I stand up and head for the door, when I open it it is quick to shut again. Zak turns my body and pins it against the door with his.

"Don't leave..." His hands placed perfectly against my ribs. Both our breathing heavy. "...That wasn't me telling you to leave. That was me asking you to stay."

"Why should I?" 

"Because I love you Cally. And I swear to you, I probably don't even know that woman who came up to you today. And she definitely isn't carrying my baby. If anyone is going to carry my children I'd want it to" Zak says. I scowl with confusion and look up at him. "I mean not right now but possibly in the future." He clarifies. I nod my head still confused. "Good I' glad we cleared that up." He giggles at my face. "God come here." He says, grabbing the back of my head and pulling me in to kiss him. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 11, 2022 ⏰

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