That day.

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Today, like any normal day, Zak and I wake up, get dressed, and head to the museum. At lunch time I take Zak to go and see his dad in the hospital.

"Zak and Omia, here to see Larry Bagans." Zak signs us in and we make our way up to see Larry. Just as we are about to enter the room.

"Mr and Mrs Bagans?"

"Oh no we are not married! She's my friend."

"My apologies...?" The doctor apologises. "...I was just on my way to call you. Your father, he, took a turn this morning. His situation has worsened and I'm afraid day has now turned into hours left. He should pass later tonight. I'm so sorry, but there is nothing more we can do for him except make his passing the most comfortable we can and hope he goes to a good place." The doctor explains.
I look at Zak who's already crying. I slide my hand into his and cuddle his arm, resting my head on his shoulder. He places his hand on mine and we walk into Larry's room.

"Dad!" Zak's breath is wet and hitched. He glades over to his dads side.

"My boy!..." he voice broken and weak. "... I assume... the doctor... told you." He weases.

"He did. Dad I don't... I don't want you to go. Who will I have you leave?" Zak cries. He dad smile and says.

"I can think of someone who will take care of you..." his gaze then moves to me. Zak looks back to me and smiles.
"You'll be fine. I will be fine."

"I'll stay with you dad. I'm not going anywhere."

"Thank you son." Larry smiles weakly.

It wasn't long until Meredith and Nancy showed up after the work day and we all sat by Larry's side. Larry told us he'd arranged his funeral for the day after he passes so it's not a long process for Zak and Meredith. It's then the doctor comes into the room.

"I have to be here for when it happens." He states. And he sits in the corner and awaits the inevitable.

A couple more hours pass us by when Larry opens his mouth.

"Kids." Larry barely spoke. "Take care of each other. And you're mom. Nancy, I'm sorry I wasn't better for you. Meredith, my girl. Zak, my boy. I love you..." the constant ring of the heart monitor then fills our ears and both the children inch forward in bursts of tears. All I can do is watch the scene unfold.  Nancy comforted Meredith first and Zak... he turns to me.

"He... My dad...he's..." Zak couldn't form any sentences from his mouth. Instead his head falls into my shoulder, his arms wrap around me and again Zak collapse to the floor. His clutch the tightest he's ever held on to me.

"I got you Zak! I've got you." I say. I look over to Nancy and Meredith who are in the same state. How could this get any worse.

"Time of death. 10:27am." The doctor pronounces.

We reluctantly leave the hospital, and I drive Zak home. Upon arrival at the house I open the door and let him in.

"Would you like a coffee?" I ask. He looks looks up at me through his scowl.

"Do I want a coffee? What I want is my dad back but that's not going to happen. So I'm going to do what I do best on a crisis..."

"Drink and bury your sorrow in some poor girl's pussy." I smile sarcastically.

"You know me well." He staggers over to the kitchen and raids the alcohol cabinet. I follow him in and watch as he drinks straight from the bottles.

"Zak I get you're hurting but is this really what you want to do?" I ask. He swings his arm round pointing at my with a bottle in his hand. Throwing alcohol over me unintentionally.

"DON'T speak to me as if you know what I'm going through. When you have both your parents!" He shouts.

"Who told you I had both of my parents?" Zak then falls silent.

"I just thought..."

"No you didn't think Zak because when you're like this you don't think! My parents passed just  before I started here. In fact if you want specifics, I buried them the day before. Not that it mattered, I lost them a long time ago. I basically raised myself. Had to learn the hard way what independent meant while still being in high school. I know how much you're hurting believe me I do. But drinking, fucking anything that moves..."

"That's not true."

"What do you mean that's not true. Zak this whole time I've known you you've fucked anyone that's thrown themselves at you."

"Not you."

"Excuse me?"

"Don't think I didn't notice you all cuddly and shit."

"Zak I was being friendly. I didn't see anyone else offering to help you."

"Yeah well. Don't. I don't need your charity." Offended by his words, I nod my head and bite the inside of my cheek holding back tears. I turn to leave. "Wait Omia...!" But I slam the door behind me and walk away from the house.

I don't know where I was going or what I was going to do, but I needed to clear my head and calm down from what Zak just said to me. He's hurting, I know he is but still. There is no need to be nasty. I go to the local bar around Zak's place and drink myself silly. When a man comes over to me. 

"Hey! Are you ok?" He asks. 

"No, I watched my friend lose his dad today, and then when I try to comfort him he treats me like a piece of shit. Ha. I don't know why I bother." I say looking down at my drink. 

"Then is he really your friend?" He asks. I look up at him. 

"Good question." I laugh. He comes closer to me and places his hand on my waist, I look down feeling very uncomfortable. "What are you doing?" I ask with a scowl. 

"Look I've been watching you pretty much all night..." 


"...And I don't think I would have had the courage to do this if either one of us were sober." 

"Do what?" I ask. 

"Ha. So naive. I think you're really pretty and I, would like to take you back to my hotel, and fuck you so raw your legs will still be shaking in the morning." 

"I don't know who or what you think I am, but I'm drunk not stupid." I say, backing up from him but he grabs me hard and pulls me close to him. 

"There you are babe I've been looking all over for you." I hear a voice and look up to see Aaron. His pupils dilate and I get his hint. 

"Sorry who are you?" The stranger asks. 

"I'm her husband. You are?" Aaron bites. 


"Good." Aaron then turns me around with his arm around me. Keeping me stood up. We then leave the bar, and stood outside is a very concerned, very angry Zak. 

"Uhh, what are you doing here?" I fathom up words. 

"You didn't come home. I was worried. Are you ok? Did he hurt you?" Zak throws at me. I look around to see who else was her. 

"Hi Sara..." I wave. "...Aaron you can let me go now. Go enjoy your night. Don't let me keep you." I say to the pair of them. They look at Zak and he nods his head. Aaron lets go of me and I begin to spin on the spot.  "Why do you care? Zak...Tell me 'cause as that creepy weirdo in there clearly pointed out... you weren't being a good friend." 

"I know. And I'm sorry." Zak pants. He sniffles from the tears and cold air of the evening. "Can you come home please. You don't have to talk to me. I just want you safe." He pleas. I look around briefly and back to him. 

"Fine. But don't speak to me or walk near me. I'm mad at you." 

"You sure you can even walk?" He snickers. I lift up my foot and hover on the spot for a moment attempting to move forward but I fall, Zak quick to catch me in his arms. "Let me help." I just nod my head. He then helps me home, his arm under me, holding me close.

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