Chapter Twenty Nine- Killer Queen

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I hugged my pillow to my chest as I stared at the wall. I was convinced that there was nothing there now, no heart, no lungs. My body felt too still to be carrying out bodily functions. I glanced at the clock- Nine AM- and then glared at the front door from my position on the couch as whoever it was all but kicked the door in.

"Sachi-chan!! Open up!!" Any idea of ignoring my house call flew out of the window as I recognised the voice, and I stood, still hugging the pillow to myself as I grabbed my crutch and yanked the door open lethargically.

"What?" I asked abruptly. Naruto's eyes roved my form in shock.

"Sachi-chan, what happened to you?!" he asked, seeming to have been distracted from his goal. I scowled.

"Just tell me why you're here." I demanded gruffly, and his expression saddened.

"Sasuke left." he said, and the words were like a knife. Or rather, one word. His name. "Shikamaru's rounding up a team to go get him back, 'ttebayo, and he wants you to-"

"No." I spat, angrily, "I'm not going."

Naruto looked confused, "But Sachi-chan-"

"No! If Sasuke wants to abandon his friends then fine! But I'm not going after him to embarass myself further!" My voice rose in both volume and pitch as I grew distressed, "I don't care if he never comes back! In fact, I hope he'll be happy as Orochimaru's toy, because I never want to see him again!" my blonde friend seemed taken aback by my crazed tone, but I didn't care. I threw my head up and screamed at the sky, "You hear that, Sasuke?! You're dead to me!"

I then turned, and slammed the door in Naruto's face. He lingered outside for a few moments, before leaving.

My breath quickly rose in pace, growing close to hyperventilation as the walls closed in on me. Everywhere I looked, there were reminders, and I quickly threw myself out of the building and towards the Hokage building. Tsunade seemed surprised to see me.

"Sachiko, what are you doing here?"

"I want a mission." I said, "Any mission outside of the village."

She was apprehensive, "I'm not sure that that's such a good idea..."

"Please!" I begged, desperate, "I can move just as fast with my injury now as I used to! Just... I can't stay here!"

She seemed to register the wild look in my eye, and I could feel Izanami shifting, deep inside me. If I didn't get out, I wouldn't be able to hold on...

"Fine." she said, shuffling through a stack of scrolls. " You can have this one. It's in Suna, a simple delivery. A D-rank."

She scrawled something in the scroll then handed it to me, and a small box, then ushered me out, seeming to realise the urgency of the situation, "Now go!"

I rocketed out of the village without stopping, focusing all of my attention on the path ahead. I calmed down in minutes, the cool air washing over me, though I still teetered on the brink of losing it. It only took me two days to reach Sunagakure.

- - -

I had delivered the package without fault, but remained in Suna for a few days. Lady Hokage had ordered me to in the scroll- apparently that was the detail she added before passing it to me. She had obviously known what was going on, and either sympathised with me to some extent, or just didn't want her village destroyed by a crazy twelve year old. Either way, I was grateful- the harsh desert heat and breezeless days helped me forget. There was nothing that reminded me of him, except for the three siblings, but even that wasn't so bad. I was staying nearby them and frequently watched them spar in the early morning before it got too hot. It seemed that Temari had grown quite fond of me.

Gaara seemed drawn to me, somehow, too. It was quite unnerving, but if ever I was in trouble, or even vaguely upset, he was there, watching, eyes distant. I didn't understand it at all, but there was a sense of glee emanating from the Megumi inside me that I didn't like. If I even began to trip over, his sand would catch me. When I went to sleep, I could feel his presence on the roof, watching, waiting. It was almost like having a silent guard- except I made the effort to speak with him occasionally. It was awkward and difficult, but I still felt I owed him my life for the incident in the forest of death.

The first time he spoke to me, was on my fifth day in Suna. I was growing more accustomed to the intense temperatures, so sat on the roof of one of the buildings, my legs dangling from the side. Even so, I could feel my skin burning (despite the suncream I had slathered on thickly) and it was seconds before the cool drink I had made became warm.

I shifted uncomfortably, but really couldn't bring myself to go back inside. Next thing I knew, shade fell over me. I looked up, and saw a sheet of sand over my head. I looked across, and saw Gaara, and I couldn't help but tense.

"The desert heat can be dangerous if you are not used to it." he said, and I wrapped my arms around my knees, forcing myself to relax as I turned my gaze back tothe vast village before me. I heard Gaara pause, before sitting a short ways to my left.

"Thanks." I mumbled. His next words caught me off guard.

"You hate me." Gaara said, surprisingly calm. I stared at him, shocked yet guilty.

"No! I don't hate you!" I dropped my head "I'll admit, when you were threatening Naruto and Sas- my teammates' lives, yes, I hated you." I said, folding my arms tightly around my chest at the slip. "But now... no."

"But you are still tense around me." he pointed out, and my guilt worsened.

"It's..." I sighed, defeated, "It's the sand." I confessed. He looked at me blankly. "It just kinda freaks me out, y'know! Sorry."

He shook his head, "I can see why you would be afraid of my sand."

I wrinkled my nose, "Not just your sand. All sand! And it's not a fear! It's more of a dislike... that stuff gets everywhere, y'know? I can't imagine how bad the chafing gets living in a village made of sand!" I pulled my pants up a little higher, just to be safe. But when I looked to Gaara to make sure he wasn't offended, he had a slight smile on his face.

"You are quite funny, Sachiko-chan." he said with a laugh, and I blushed.

"What's funny about that? It's true!"

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