Chapter Thirteen- Let's Kill Tonight

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I rubbed my forehead as I sat up slowly. My body felt numb from laying around for so long. It wasn't by choice, but still.

I was surprised by the amount of people that visited me while I was in the hospital. The whole Yamanaka family, Kiba and Akamaru with their new team, Kakashi, Naruto, and even Sakura and Sasuke! Although I expect that Sasuke was only there because Kakashi-sensei made him, and Sakura because she was unwilling to let Sasuke (who I blamed for my being hospitalised in the first place, along with Naruto, because they told Kakashi about my spine) out of her sight lately for whatever reason. Stupid whore.

I didn't mind being in the hospital so much, though. I hated being stuck in one room on a bed, and escaped often to wander the hospital grounds, but I always made sure that I was there for visitors. Because visitors meant sweets. Just yesterday, Kakashi-sensei brought me ice cream! I was so happy! They don't give us ice cream in the hospital (I pleaded with a young nurse once and she almost gave, but just as she brought it an old whiney nurse told her off and took it away. It was toffee chocolate, too, my favourite!).

"Knock knock!" a voice chimed outside my door.

"What's the password?"

"I brought candy~!" the voice sang. I beamed.

"I don't know who the hell you are, but come on in!!" I yelled. The person entered, and dumped a bag of candy on the bed in front of me. I had a hard time not drooling.

"OM NOM NOM NOM!!" I enthused in a growly voice as I stuffed my face with chocolate, the words coming out muffled because of the food.

Kiba laughed, "Man, Sachi, you really haven't changed at all!"

I blinked up at him, my face and hands covered in chocolate.

"Hey, when sweets are involved, I'm not responsible for my actions." I shrugged, and popped another piece in my mouth. I wiped some of the chocolate away with the back of my hand, without much luck. Kiba gave a strange smirk, and pulled a tissue from his pocket (since when do guys carry tissues in their pockets?) before Akamaru could try and lick the chocolate off of me (because dogs aren't supposed to have chocolate, it's poison to them y'know). I smiled in thanks and wiped what I could of the chocolate away, but I was still kind of sticky.

"Good thing I'm getting out of here today, huh?" I said with a sheepish grin, hopping off of the bed. Kiba frowned at me worriedly.

"Even if you are fully recovered, you shouldn't be jumping around like that. You were lucky that there wasn't permanent damage to your spine." I had been put in hospital at the end of the mission dealy-bob with Kajika/he-she, because apparently I had been complaining in my sleep about my spine hurting. Sasuke heard me and told Kakashi, and then Naruto- who evidently had regained consciousness at that point- backed him up on what I'd told him in the Land of Waves. When I woke up, I was already in hospital, with my worried friends and family all notified. I had to have an operation, some blah about messed-up vertibrae or something. I didn't really listen, I was too doped up on the painkillers that I had been given after Dr Whatsizface decided to be a dumbass and jab me in the back, screwing my spine up more. Which is wonderful, if you like permanent paralysis.

I waved my hand dismissively.

"Yare, yare... I keep telling you people, I'm fine! It didn't even hurt!" total lie. "You sound like Yamanaka-san." I folded my arms and immediately regretted it. Ew, sticky... "Now I'm gonna go wash my hands." and my arms and face...

Kiba sighed heavily, "Why do you never listen to me?"

I shrugged, and we started towards the bathrooms, "Hey, don't be offended. I don't listen to Naruto, Sasuke, Sakura... or even Kakashi-sensei either, and he's, well, my sensei."

Tomorrow Blossom (Sasuke Uchiha) - Book One - Trade MistakesWhere stories live. Discover now