Chapter Twenty-One: Northern Downpour

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I know I haven't replied to any comments on the previous chapter I know, and I'm sorry; I'm busy and figured you'd rather I wrote up a new chapter instead :)

Read away!

P.S. You gaiz are so going to love this chapter!! :D

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I threw my head back against the wall again, bored and depressed. It was my only entertainment until I was recovered enough to get out of bed- well, not literally get out of bed- and since it had only been two days since my operation, that wouldn't be any time soon. I felt disgusting, and had to have help to bathe. So I felt disgusting, and pathetic.

I heard someone push open the door to my room, and pretended to sleep, not wanting to talk to anybody. Apparently, I'm not very good at acting.

"Baka, I know you're awake." Sasuke spoke softly, and I frowned, keeping my eyes closed.

"Baka, I don't care." I replied, folding my arms over my chest. I heard him sigh, and a squeak as he pulled the chair up next to my bed.

I felt him poke my arm lightly, "Haven't you ignored me long enough?"

This caught my attention. I opened my eyes to frown at him, only to be startled by how close his head was to mine.

Trying to keep my cool, I said haughtily, "You're the one that was saying stupid things."

Realising the implications of what I had said, Sasuke leaned back, eyes wide, while I blushed slightly. He then smiled thinly, resting his chin on his palm. I was surprised by how relaxed he was.

"I thought it would be better this way," he mumbled, leaving me unsure of whether I was supposed to hear or not as he rubbed his face, "But I can't seem to keep away, anyway."


I turned my head away, frowning, "Why are you here, anyway?"

"Kakashi sent me to check on you." he said, then muttered, "I'm beginning to think that he knew I would end up like this."

This confused me, "Like what?"

And of course, that had to be the one question that the answer to would make me, of all people, feel awkward. Sasuke released a long sigh, muttering something about regretting this, then stood and planted one hand on either side of my head. He leaned so close that our noses were touching and whispered,

"Just stop ignoring me, okay? I'm sorry."

Blinking at him and flushing, I shrank back into the pillows, "O-okay..."

After staring at me a moment, shocked, a smirk spread over his face.

"Does this make you feel awkward, Sachi?" he asked somewhat gleefully, and I scowled.

"No!" I answered quickly, not liking how suddenly our roles had reversed. Usually it was me making him feel awkward. I huffed, "Hello, injured person here! Get offa me!"

I batted at him with my hands until he moved away, though he still looked extremely pleased with himself, so I scowled even more, "You're lucky I didn't headbutt you."

"No, you were too busy blushing." he pointed out with a smirk. I hid my still pink face in my hands.

"Go away..." I groaned, and it was silent for just long enough that I worried that he had gone, until I felt a hand catch my own, gently prying it from my eyes and then holding onto it. I stared at Sasuke, as a blush almost identical to my own rose to his cheeks, while he laced the fingers of one hand between my own and placed his other hand on the back of mine, like a warm envelope around my entire hand.

Tomorrow Blossom (Sasuke Uchiha) - Book One - Trade MistakesWhere stories live. Discover now