Chapter Eight - Do You Know What I'm Seeing?

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Just a quick note- the chapter titles are all that relate to the story unless I say otherwise. It's not the actual lyrics of the song that really relate to the chapter. Because, if you're a Panic! At the Disco nerd like I am, then relating the lyrics of each song to the content of each chapter will make no sense whatsoever. If you're not a Panic fan, then, firstly, you suck (lol jks), and secondly, just ignore all this shiz and have fun reading the chapter. And also, everyone, comment&&vote! And maybe fan? :D

Also, piccu on the side is Sachiko. I drew it myself BD you peoples like? :3

Well, happy readings!

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"There was a man up there! I swear! At least, I think it was a man..." I frowned to myself a second, then glared back up at my teammates, "But there really was! And he... she... they scared me, and made me fall!"

Sasuke rose an eyebrow. "Che, and we're supposed to believe that?"

"There WAS someone there!!" I exclaimed frustratedly, and Sakura just scoffed.

"How come none of us saw this person then?" she asked smugly, and I growled.

"Because you all suck ass!!!" I yelled, and then said, a bit calmer, "I already told you, they disappeared after mocking my situation when I fell!"

"Of course." the pinkette replied sarcastically, and I growled again in frustration.

"I'm telling the truth!! Naruto-kun, you believe me, don't you?!" I asked him, my eyes wide and pleading. He rubbed the back of his head guiltily,

"Well, it doesn't really seem believable, Sachi-chan...."

"AAAGH!! Well screw you guys!!" I exclaimed, flailing my arms, then turning to Kakashi, "Sensei, you believe me though, right?" he didn't answer, just stared at me blankly. I waved my hand in front of his face, "Hel-looo? Sensei?"

He jumped, and blinked a few times, before focusing on me, "Huh? What?"

I frowned, "Forget it." I huffed, folding my arms, and glaring at my plate of food while the others ate. I noticed that Kakashi hadn't touched his food either, and frowned in concern. "Sensei, you okay? You haven't eaten."

Kakashi looked at me, then his eye closed in one of his unique smiles. "Uh, yeah, I'm fine." then, he frowned again, while I started wolfing down my food, suddenly ravenous. "But, Sachi...?"


"What did this man look like?" that caught everyone's attention, and we all looked up at him, me in mild shock, and the others in disbelief. I then grinned.

"You mean you believe me? Yay!" I stuck my tongue out at the others. "See? Sensei's smart, he knows the truth when he hears it."

Sakura glared at me, then looked to Kakashi "You don't really believe that she's telling the truth, Sensei?"

Kakashi interrupted my happy dance, "Sachi, I want you to describe him to me."

I blinked at him, "I don't see why it matters, but..." I folded my arms thoughtfully, trying to picture the tranny in my head. "He or she had long black hair and really pale skin, and wore purple make up around his or her eyes..."

Kakashi went into seemingly deep thought, looking kind of worried. Sakura distracted me from that, though, "Well, the person's obviously a woman if they wear make-up."

I glared at her, "He or she had a really manly face, though, and no breasts at all! And anyway, guys can wear make-up!" I nodded to myself,, and pointed at Sasuke, "You'd still think that the Shady Uchiha was hot if he started to wear guyliner, and that's make-up, so shut up you narrow-minded fool."

Tomorrow Blossom (Sasuke Uchiha) - Book One - Trade MistakesWhere stories live. Discover now