Chapter Eighteen- Stall Me

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Sasuke 18

Sooooo, first ever chapter with Sasuke's point of view!! Hehehe, I hope you love it!!

Hihihii, Hottie French boy was ogling me in my tankini earlier... ;) now we're even.


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-Sasuke's POV-

I gently placed Sachi against the trunk of the tree that's branch we had landed on. I would have moved her lower down, since I knew she would freak out when she saw how high up we were, but I didn't have time for that right now. My fury at the Grass ninja standing across from me was too great.

I cursed him a new name, before quickly running nimbly down the branches to engage him in battle. He dodged everything I could throw at him, jutsu, weaponry, it was all rendered useless against him. He bit down on his thumb, rolling up his sleeve to run a line of blood down the strange tattoo on his arm. A large puff of smoke gave way to a snake the size of at least four of the huge trees we were standing on, and flew toward me with amazing speed. I leapt out of the way just as it's head slammed down where I had been standing seconds earlier, but soon came at me again.

"Sasuke-kun!" a vague call of my name told me that Sakura was nearby, but I couldn't move. My palms were sweating, my body shaking, and my mind was blank except for one thing. Fear. Pure, undiluted terror. I couldn't beat him. There wasn't a sliver of possibility. I should just give up now, I would be killed anyway.

A sudden orange flash zipped in front of me, stabbing a kunai into the snake's nose and holding it back from crushing me. Naruto glared at me with baleful red eyes, but he bore a smirk.

"What's the matter," he growled in a strained, animalistic voice, "Mr Scaredy-cat?"

I gasped as he used my words from the Land of Waves against me, then shook it off. I was about to tell him to run, that he couldn't win this fight, when he twisted his hips and slammed a kick into the snake, so hard that the reptile flew back and crashed straight through a tree, before falling down dead, a trickle of blood leaking from it's nose.

"The Sasuke I know wouldn't give up like this! Especially when Sachi-chan is unconscious!" Naruto growled at me, "She needs you!! She needs both of us to protect her when she is vulnerable!" he was roaring by the end, then leapt out to tackle Orochimaru (as Sachi had called him) head on. He was merely kicked aside like an empty can from the side of the pavement, but he got up again and managed to hold his own for a while. At least, until Orochimaru performed some sort of jutsu and slammed his fingers into Naruto's stomach.

"Naruto!" I yelled, as Orochimaru threw a kunai that pinned my baka teammate to a tree, unconscious. I cursed under my breath as our enemy started to wind around the tree trunk toward me, and I leaped backwards as he lashed at me with his fist, then flipped over him. He blocked the kick I aimed at his head and delivered one of his own. I pushed it aside, activating sharingan just in time to recieve a frontal kick. Luckily, I rose my arms to block just in time, so the impact only sent me skidding back a few feet.

"Your eyes are perhaps better than Itachi's... yes, you were a wonderful choice, Sasuke-kun!" I released a growl at the taboo name, my hands quickly arranging themselves in a series of hand signs.

If this guy knew Itachi, then there was no way I was going to go easy on him! "Katon: Goukkakyuu no jutsu!"

I sucked in air and merged it with chakra. It was heavy when I blew it out, the gust forming cascading flames that shot towards Orochimaru. He leapt away from them onto a new branch, and I launched kunai at him, no break in my assault. He dodged them easily.

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