Chapter Twenty Three- Folkin' Around

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"Careful, Sachi-chan!" Kiba exclaimed as I hobbled down the street, thoroughly enjoying my crutches. I could move faster with these than I could when walking, almost as fast as running, and it was really fun. I stuck my tongue out at him.

"No, YOU be careful." I retorted. He scowled at me.

"Stop copying me!"

"No, YOU stop copying me!"

"Why would I be copying you?!"

"Why WOULDN'T you be copying me?" that stumped him, and I waved my arms like worms, "Mind fuck!"

He just blinked at me, and I took the opportunity to shoot away.

"MUAHAHAAA! IT WILL BLOW YOUR MIIIIIND!!" I shrieked, gaining some weird looks from passers by. I looked them all in the eye, "Hello mine turtle!"

I did a little kick in the air as I entered the ring, not seeing Sasuke OR Naruto. Well, SOMEone was late.

Kiba was breathing hard as he finally caught up to me, Hinata now by his side. I blinked, "When did you get here?"

"She's been with us the whole time!" Kiba exclaimed, and I frowned.

"No, YOU'VE been with us the whole time!" I shot back, and he threw his hands up.

"THAT DOESN'T EVEN MAKE SENSE!!" He yelled, and I opened my mouth to retort, but his palm covered my mouth, "Don't say it."

(Points if you can guess what Sachi was gonna say next XD)

I just stuck my tongue out. He jumped and yanked his hand away, but had no time to say anything before I was off again, testing my mettle against the staircase up to the seating area.

"'scuse me coming through CRIPPLE CHILD NEEDS FOUR SEATS MOVE IT!!" I screamed, parting the crowds of people like they were the red sea and I was Moses.

"There's no way you need four seats you retard baka!!" some really fat guy said, waddling closer to me. I glared at him.

"They're for my friends, fatass. Looks like you'd take four seats by yourself!" I retorted, harsh, but he called me a retard!

"I don't see that someone like you would have friends anyway." he said snobbily. I growled, then pushed past him. He fell on his face.

"Oh, go eat some cake." I told him.

"I don't like cake." he muttered into the floor, utterly failing at getting up again. I turned back to him, pointing at myself.

"See this?" I asked, then deadpanned. "This is me not giving two." I then hobbled to the empty seats at the front (wise choice on the part of the people who previously sat there) leaving Mr Fatass rolling around on the floor, trying to get back to his feet. Like a tortoise.

I was about to point and laugh when Kiba and Hinata arrived, pulling themselves wearily up the stairs. I waved madly until they saw and came over, picking their way around Mr Fatass who was STILL rolling around on the floor. They took the two seats on one side of me, while I kicked my single working leg into the air, glancing around for my sister.

"Ano, Sachi!! Where are you?!" I sat bolt upright, looking around until I located the source of the voice. I waved madly until she saw.

"Ino-nee! I saved you a seat!!" I screamed over the loud chatter of the crowd.

"Thank you!!" she shrieked back, plopping into the seat. We talked about meaningless things for a while, until a loud scream caused the entire arena to fall silent. We all looked down to the gate, in time for Naruto to run in, with all the vigour of someone being chased by a herd of elephants.

Tomorrow Blossom (Sasuke Uchiha) - Book One - Trade MistakesWhere stories live. Discover now