Chapter Twenty- Camisado

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Woop woop! Twentieth chapter! Oh yeah! So pro!


Well, enjoy! :3

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"-and Rapunzel and the prince lived happily ever after, the end." the ANBU operative closed the book with a snap, then sighed, "Can I go now?"

"Nope!" I exclaimed, "You still have to read me Goldilocks, Brian! And don't forget to do the voices for the bears!"

Brian and I had an agreement, from the last time I was in hospital. He had to entertain me, so that I wouldn't try to escape. We both knew all too well that if I really wanted to leave, not even a whole legion of ANBU could stop me. So he made a deal with me, that he would help me conquer my boredom in return for my cooperation.

"For the last time, my name's not Brian!" he told me, tired, "And I've already read you Robin Hood, Cinderella, and Rapunzel! What is it with you and kiddie books!"

My mouth fell open in shock, "They are not kiddie books! Just for that, you can read Goldilocks, and The three little pigs to me next, Brian!"

When Brian was in the middle of the book, the door slammed open.

"Ooh, three bowls of porridge, all for... me..." Brian's squeaky Goldilocks voice trailed off as Kakashi stood in the door, staring at him awkwardly.

"Uh..." Sensei eyed Brian for a while, "You're dismissed..."

Brian cleared his throat, "Arigatou, Kakashi-senpai." he then formed a hand-sign and disappeared.

I grinned, "Hiee, Sensei!" I sang, then noticed Sasuke, unconscious in his arms. I frowned, "Did Shady Uchiha die? I told him that he should stop perving on Maureen." I looked up at Kakashi knowledgably (don't think that's a word lol) "She carries a flick knife, you know."

Kakashi blinked at me, then set Sasuke down on the bed next to mine, "... No... no he didn't..." he coughed awkwardly, "He collapsed after his prelim fight. I'm putting him in here with you so that he doesn't get away when he wakes."

"So he's stuck in here like I am, then?" I asked, pouting. Kakashi went to say something, but I cut him off with a grin, "Great! I have a roomie! Brian was beginning to get boring. Thank you Kakashi-sensei!"

"Yeah... okay..." Sensei shook his head, then moved closer to me, "Listen... Sachiko." that caught my attention; Kakashi only used my full name when he was really serious. "Can you tell me exactly what happened in the Forest? It's important."

I frowned, thinking back. The memory was fuzzy, as if someone had smeared something on it. Kakashi put his hand on my shoulder gently.

"It's okay if you can't just yet. You've been through a lot. Just..." his voice seemed to weaken slightly, as though he was in pain, and I stared up at him, wide-eyed, "Get better, all right?"

I gazed after him astounded as he turned from me and left the room, then smiled. Kakashi-sensei didn't always show it, but he cared about all of us, his squad, his Genin. It hurt him that we were in such bad shape.

Determination leaked into my expression, and I spoke aloud, "I'll try my best. For you, Kakashi-sensei."

It was hours before anything interesting happened. And even then, it was only Sasuke waking up. It was kind of sad that that was the most excitement I'd had in so many hours. I wasn't able to get up and walk around if I got bored, either. Don't tell Brian this, but I can't actually use my legs right now. They don't work.

'Temporary paralysis', the Doctor had said. Apparently my spinal chord was badly ruptured by the breaking of my spinal column, which again would require surgery to rectify. I would most-likely be unable to walk until then, so I was confined to this bed, unless I was willing to drag myself along. So I probably wouldn't be able to escape, no matter how much I wanted to. I wasn't even allowed to move in my bed to change the position I was laying in, so my shoulders and neck were joining in on the numbness of my legs and back.

Tomorrow Blossom (Sasuke Uchiha) - Book One - Trade MistakesWhere stories live. Discover now