Chapter 8

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Fang Li woke up very early, turned his head and looked at Xu Yang who was still asleep. He got up and got out of bed carefully, then walked to the living room outside, sat down on the sofa, and dialed Yan Moyao's number with his mobile phone. .

    Yan Moyao quickly connected and asked, "Anything?"

    "Are you... getting up?" Fang Li asked in a low voice.

    "I have arrived at the company." Yan Moyao said.

    Fang Li thought to himself, this person is already so rich, and he is so industrious. He is really a role model.

    "Why call me at this time? Is there something important to tell me?" Yan Moyao asked.

    Fang Li: "It can't be said that it is an important thing, that is... I want to tell you that I was chosen by Long You as the main spokesperson."

    "Really? Congratulations." Yan Moyao said lightly.

.Fang Li was stunned after hearing Yan Moyao's tone, and then asked: "Did you not know before?"

    "Do I have to know?" Yan Moyao asked back.

    "That's not true, just... I thought you knew it." Fang Li said disappointedly.

    Yan Moyao: "I'm going to have a meeting. If you have nothing to do, I'll hang up."

    Yan Moyao had an important video conference today, so he came to the company so early.

    "Okay." Fang Li replied, and then immediately hung up over there.

    Fang Li put down the phone, hugged his legs, and put his chin on his knees. He thought about it last night and thought that it was Yan Moyao who made him the main spokesperson, but listening to Yan Moyao's tone, he didn't know this at all, so how could he instruct him?

.Fang Li sighed with disappointment. He thought that his plan had progressed a little bit without his own knowledge, but it seemed that it was not the case now. But why is he so disappointed? Obviously he hasn't really started the plan to seduce Yan Moyao, so it can't be regarded as a failure, right?

    After Fang Li sat on the sofa for a while, he got up and went to the bathroom to wash. When he came out of the bathroom, Xu Yang was already awake, sitting dazedly by the bed, trying to open his eyes.

    "Have you finished washing?" Xu Yang squinted at Fang Li, and asked hoarsely: "Why do you get up so early?"

    "I woke up suddenly. Anyway, I can't fall asleep, so I just got up." Fang Li looked at him and said, "Aren't you going to sleep for a while? It's still early."

.Xu Yang: "I'm so hungry, I woke up hungry, I want to go to breakfast earlier."

    "Then you hurry up and wash it, we will go to the restaurant for breakfast after washing." Fang Li said.

    "Okay." Xu Yang nodded, narrowed his eyes and walked to the bathroom in a daze.

    After Xu Yang finished washing, the two went to the restaurant together. Breakfast this morning was buffet style. Just take whatever you want.

    Xu Yang looked at the various delicacies in front of him, and his sense of happiness and entanglement broke out at the same time: "Everything I want to eat, what should I do?"

    Fang Li said, "Then choose the one you want to eat the most, and take less of each."

    Xu Yang nodded, and carefully selected.

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