Chapter 18

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After Fang Li woke up from his dream, he didn't fall asleep again, and kept analyzing in his mind whether the contents of his dreams were true or not. If he hadn't been born again, he would definitely not believe that such a dream would be true, but if he could be born again, what else would be impossible?

    After getting up early in the morning, Fang Li went to the dining room and forcibly cheered up and ate breakfast.

    Although Fang Li's disguise was very good, Yan Moyao immediately saw that he was not in good spirits, but in front of so many people, it was difficult for him to ask what was going on and whether he had not slept well.

    Yue Linhua smiled and looked at Fang Li and asked, "Is breakfast still in my appetite?"

    "Yeah." Fang Li smiled and nodded.

    "These two days happened to be the days when I was a vegetarian. It's hard for you to be a vegetarian with me." Yue Linhua said.

."I usually eat vegetarian food, and the taste is light. Although these breakfasts are all vegetarian, they taste very good and keep good health." Fang Li said.

    "I almost forgot. You learn to dance just like Wenxi. Wenxi usually eats light and little." Yue Linhua suddenly asked, "You and Wenxi seem to belong to the same school, right?"

    "Yes, we are in the same class." Fang Li replied.

    "Wenxi ranked second in the final exam this time, and he was still unhappy when he came back. That's why I let his second and third brothers accompany him to go abroad to relax. He, he has too high demands on himself, if he is replaced with Others, I don’t know what it would be like to be happy to be ranked second in the grade. And I heard his second brother say that he is not far behind the first place, which is already very good.Although it is a good thing to be self-motivated, you are still young, and you don't need to push yourself too tightly. Why bother to fight for the first place? Just try your best, don't you? "

    Fang Li didn't speak, just smiled and nodded.

    "By the way, how many students did you take this time?" Yue Linhua looked at Fang Li with some curiosity and asked. For the elders who have students at home, they will always be curious about the rankings of other students, even if they say that they are not ranked. It's important, and it will be compared secretly in my heart.

    "First." Fang Li replied looking at Yue Linhua.

    "..." Yue Linhua was taken aback for a moment, and then confirmed with Fang Li: "First in grade?"

    "Yeah." Fang Li nodded.

    Yan Moyao couldn't help laughing.

.Yue Wenxi and the others were shocked. They came to this home for so many years, and it was the first time they saw Yan Moyao smiling.

    But Yan Moyao suddenly laughed, making Yue Wenxi feel more hurt and uncomfortable. In this family, almost everyone treats him well, but only Yan Moyao has been ignoring his existence, and he has been thinking hard. To get Yan Moyao's approval, I want to see a smile on Yan Moyao's face. But he never thought that the first time he saw Yan Moyao's smile was in such a situation, and he felt that Yan Moyao had a joke on him, and his heart was really hurt.

    Yue Linhua glanced at Yue Wenxi, then immediately changed the subject and talked about other things with Fang Li.

.On the surface, Yue Wenxi looked very calm, but in fact, he had been breathing deeply, trying very hard to control his emotions, and only then maintained his composure. He thought to himself, as long as Fang Li was there, he wouldn't be satisfied. Now he just came to stay for two days and it was already like this. If he really became a member of this family, he would definitely be more upset.

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