Chapter 16

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Yan Bofeng and Yan Xueyin did not go back to their room, but went to his room with Yue Wenxi.

    After entering the room, Yue Wenxi said with an ugly face: "Could it be that grandma is going to adopt Fang Li? Later Fang Li will also belong to the Yan family? He wants to live with us."

    "Judging by what grandma just said, the most likely thing is that grandma is going to let Fang Li live in Yan's family." Yan Xueyin analyzed: "Let you bring Fang Li to familiarize yourself with the environment of Yan's family. Li is your cousin, so he neglected him, and let Fang Li treat this place as his own home. Judging from the attitude of his grandmother Fang Li, there is no other possibility besides preparing to adopt Fang Li."

    Yan Bofeng said angrily and puzzled: "We just went abroad to play for more than ten days. Grandma didn't know Fang Li before. Why did we suddenly adopt him?.What happened during this period? "

    Yue Wenxi's heart is extremely panic. He is very scared now. What he is afraid of is that once Fang Li, who has always been better than him, is adopted by the Yan family, he will slowly have no place in the Yan family. .

    "Wenxi, Wenxi, what are you doing?" Yan Bofeng saw that Yue Wenxi's expression and state were a bit wrong, looked at him worriedly and asked, "Are you okay?"

    "As long as I think about Fang Li and his parents’ attitude towards our family before, the shadow in my heart cannot be eliminated, and his parents killed my parents, and now he actually came to Yan’s family to live with me. Why can't I get rid of him!" Yue Wenxi said with a very painful expression.

.Yue Wenxi often told his three brothers how Fang Li and his family looked down on their family before and how mean they were to him, saying that Fang Li’s parents killed his parents. These lies too much, even himself. I am about to believe it, and even deep down I feel that the truth is like this.

    Now Yue Wenxi still lied habitually. It is naturally impossible for him to admit in person that he is worried that Fang Li, who is better than him, will compare him and receive more attention than him when he comes to Yan's house, so he is afraid. .

    "Wenxi, in fact, you don't have to worry too much. These are just our guesses. Grandma does not necessarily intend to adopt Fang Li." Yan Xueyin comforted Yue Wenxi and said, "Even if grandma really decides to adopt Fang Li, We will also protect you."

    "That's right, Moon Hee!.Don't be afraid, no matter what happens, we will never let you get hurt. "Yan Bofeng looked at Yue Wenxi and said: "If Fang Li really becomes a member of the Yan family, it might be easier for us to deal with him. Being a member of the Yan family is not easy. We know best. At that time, let him suffer some hardships, and then get out of Yan's house by himself! "

    "What if... what if grandma likes him more?" Yue Wenxi finally expressed his worry, but still mixed with a lot of lies and said: "He has special methods, and he is special in front of the elders. I know how to pretend. My grandfather liked him even more before. I have suffered many accusations on his behalf. The kind of thing that nobody believes me no matter how I defend it, I really don’t want to experience it anymore."

    "Grandma can't favor him over you, do you forget why you came to Yan's house?".Yan Xueyin looked at him and said.

    Yue Wenxi was stunned for a moment, remembering the reason why he was able to come to Yan's house, and then he felt a little relieved and calmed down a little. He thought, at least he still had an advantage that Fang Li could never replace.

    Yan Bofeng and Yan Xueyin, after you comforted Yue Wenxi for a while, Yan Xueyin looked at Yan Bofeng and said, "In short, before you figure out the situation, you shouldn't act rashly."

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