Chapter 9

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Fang Li is going to set off to shoot the endorsement advertisement. The Longyou company's car is already waiting for him outside the school, but when he walked to the school gate just now, he just looked at his aunt and uncle standing there, no need to think or know that they must be blocking him. .

    Fang Li had already received several calls from his uncles and aunts before, and he simply blocked them, so he had expected them to come back to him.

    The two of them walked quickly in front of Fang Li. Xu Yueshan's expression was haggard and ugly, but she still looked at Fang Li with a pretentious look and said, "Why don't you answer our call? Your wings are hardened, right?!"

    "We want to have a chat with you, find a place to sit." Zhao Guangqing said while looking at Fang Li.

    "If you have anything, just talk to the lawyer representing me. If it is useful, they will pass it on to me. I don't have time to listen to you talking nonsense.".Fang Li finished speaking and continued on.

    "You stop!" Xu Yueshan ran in front of him and stopped him and said, "Do you dare to go one step further. Believe it or not, if I go to your school, you can't go to school!"

    Fang Li sneered and said, "Then you should try and see if I can't go to school first, or if you are arrested and sent to prison first."

    "You stop here!" Xu Yueshan wanted to catch Fang Li, but when she was seen that something was wrong, the assistant who walked over quickly blocked her hand.

    "Auntie, what do you want to do?" Xiang Lei blocked Fang Li behind him, looked at Xu Yueshan and said, "You'd better be civilized, don't use your hands, or I have to call the police, you know?"

    "Who are you?!" Xu Yueshan said angrily: "What does it have to do with you? You'd better not be nosy and let me go!"

."I am Fang Li's assistant. It is my job and duty to protect his safety. If you let me go, what kind of green onion are you?" Xiang Lei said.

    "Assistant...What's wrong with the assistant? I'm still his aunt!" Xu Yueshan's first reaction was that Fang Li actually had an assistant, but when he thought he could find such a powerful team of lawyers, it's not like having an assistant. What a strange thing.

    Fang Li took out his mobile phone and looked at the time and said, "Let's go, it's the first time to shoot today. It won't be good if you are late."

    "Okay." Xiang Lei immediately nodded in response, motioned to others to stop the couple, and then walked towards the parked car with Fang Li.

    "Fang Li, Fang Li!" Xu Yueshan was grabbed by her arm and struggling hard and cried out: "You let me go, let me go!"

.When Fang Li arrived at the studio, he immediately went to make-up and change clothes. In the middle of the green background cloth, the Wia was hung for a whole day, completing various difficult movements in mid-air.

    The assistant director said to the director: "As expected of a dancer from a prestigious school, the degree of completion of martial arts in mid-air is so high."

    The director nodded and said: "This student chose really well. I didn't shout tired after shooting all day. Not only did I have a high degree of cooperation, but I also didn't feel tired. It's much easier than shooting certain stars."

    Deputy Director: "Yes, I heard that dance students are very cruel to themselves. This perseverance and tenacity are really admirable."

    In addition to the discussion between the director and the deputy director, several new internships nearby, after hearing the discussion between the two directors, also whispered.

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