Chapter 54

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After the butler opened the door, Fang Li got out of the car, and Fang Li said, "Mr. is back."

    Fang Li was taken aback for a while and said, "I'm back? Why didn't he tell me in advance, he suddenly got home"

    Fang Li walked to the hall and heard the noise inside as soon as he walked to the door. After he walked in, he saw Yue Wenxi and the others being pulled out by Paul.

    "Fang Li!" Seeing Fang Li, Yue Wenxi rushed to Fang Li and grabbed his hand and cried, "Fang Li, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, it was all my fault before, and I should not frame you. , I’m really just confused for a while, you help me plead with my father, don’t drive me away, please! Please!”

    Fang Li still hadn't reacted, and Yue Wenxi was about to be taken away by the bodyguard.

    "and many more!".Yue Linhua shouted, the anger in her heart couldn't be suppressed, she looked at Yan Moyao and said, "If you have to drive them away, then I will move out with them too!"

    "In your heart, how many of them are more important than my own son?" Yan Moyao asked when he looked at his mother.

    "Now you are making a fuss!" Yue Linhua said angrily: "If it is really serious, I will not cover them, but it is not a big deal at all. You have to be so ugly! Can't you think about how I feel?!"

    "It's because you are biased towards them, so you don't think it's a big deal. If Fang Li really pushes Yue Wenxi down the stairs, would you think it's not a big deal?" Yan Moyao asked.

    "Then I won't let you drive Fang Li out!" .Yue Linhua said loudly: "They did something wrong, so you can teach them a lesson, wherever they are serious enough to drive them out! Do you have to make trouble for the whole family?!"

    "Let’s make a choice today. If you have to face them, then Fang Li and I will move out and never come back again." Yan Moyao said with a stern face, "You will only talk to them in the future. Living together, we will not spoil your peace."

    Fang Li walked quickly to Yan Moyao's side, held his hand and said, "Don't say such things, please calm down and talk to mom."

    "You, you..." Yue Linhua was dizzy with anger, and it was difficult to breathe. She pressed her chest, a little shaky.

    Fang Li immediately asked her helper to help her sit down and give her smooth air.

    "You just got home, haven't you changed your clothes yet?".Fang Li pushed Yan Moyao inside while saying, "You go take a bath and change your clothes, and then take a break. Just leave it alone here."

    After Fang Li pushed Yan Moyao away, he walked to Yue Linhua's side and said, "Mom, don't be too angry. If you get angry, it is our fault. Mo Yao, I will persuade him, you and him You are all angry now, and all you say are angry words. When you are relieved, let's talk about it."

    Yue Linhua glanced at Fang Li, then went back to the room with the help of the helper with a calm face.

    Fang Li also returned to his room with Yan Moyao, waiting for Yan Moyao to come out after taking a shower.

    "Why didn't you tell me when you came back early?" Fang Li walked over and hugged Yan Moyao's waist and looked up at him.

    Yan Moyao looked down at Fang Li for a while, then picked him up, walked to the bed and put him on the bed and kissed him.

.Fang Li put his arms around his neck and closed his eyes to respond to him.

    Although it takes only ten days to separate, people who truly love each other will miss each other even if the separation is short.

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