Episode 4 - A Plan

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The Day After USJ Accident

At Kamino, Villain's Hideout

The man is sitting on his chair. Normally, he always smile. But after Tomura's death, his smile disappeared. Tomura is the best object to break All Might and also the best candidate to become the host for him. Tomura is the best thing he have and someone destroyed it. He's mad. Really really mad. He's planning to make Tomura as the leader of League of Villains. Not actual leader, just a puppet. He would be the master mind from the dark. He know that Tomura would've done anything for him. He planning this from the beginning. Starting from the day, when he adopted 4 years old Tomura. He gave time and place for Tomura, just to become his best puppet. Tomura really become the puppet as he planed. He's brainwash Tomura starting from the young age. As a result, Tomura couldn't live without him anymore. Tomura have decay quirk which really useful to kill someone or destroy something. There's only one flaw that Tomura need to change, the hands of his dead family member's. Even after decade of brain washing, Tomura still have mental issues. But that would only last for next one or two years. The perfect plan he have planning for 16 years end up destroyed by someone. Those past 16 years end up in vain. He though Tomura would be back with some injuries, but he's wrong. Tomura never came back to him. Tomura lost his life while Kurugiri is still warping. He got back Tomura's body which is useless for him. He want to bury the body but his doctor keep asking his permission to use the body. He don't know why but he could guess the answer. He turned the tv on. A doctor appeared on the screen

AFO : Sensei, what are you planning with his body.

Garaki : You remembered about the high end projects, right?

AFO : Yes, I remember those projects.

The doctor smiled

Garaki : Well, I want to make Tomura as one of high ends.

AFO : I though you couldn't make nomus with dead bodies.

Garaki : But, I've make Kurogiri with one of a dead student.

The man suddently tensed

AFO : Kurogiri was out of question. We've spend nearly 3 years for him. We don't have much time now. All Might could found us anytime.

Garaki : I know, I know. I just want to test this project. You have no use of that body anymore, right?

The man stay silent for seconds. And then

AFO : All right, you have my permission. Though, I still don't like the idea of nomu with decay quirk.

Garaki : Don't talk like that. It would be super awsome. Just wait for it. If this project success, you don't have to worry about that wolf anymore.

AFO : But I would be happy to take his quirk and kill him by myself.

The doctor smiled

Garaki : But, you can't risk AFO. You know how much he strong. He could kill you before All Might could. I want his quirk too but we can't risk this time.

AFO : Okay. I accept your plan. I'll talk with you later.

Garaki : See you later.

The man turn off the tv. He don't like this. He don't like the plan. The rage is start rising in his body. He haven't felt that emotion for a long time. In the past, here's only two people who have destroyed his plans. But now, there's one more. He's so angry. He want to destroy everything in the room. But he couldn't. He need the life support machine which was in the room. He clam down his mind. He's thinking for future. A new plan. A plan which could destroy Zen-Aku.


The Day After USJ Accident

At Hero Public Safety Commission, The President's Office

6 men in suit was arguing with each other

Man 1 : Another vigilante? I don't understand why would they become the vigilante. We already have enough heroes.

Man 2 : We all know that wasn't true. Japan have thousands of heroes but crimes still exist.

Man 3 : Nomu have quirks which could duel All Might toe to toe. But that wolf killed that thing in seconds. He wasn't normal vigilante. He's trained. His quirk could rival All Might's. He could kill thousand of heroes in just a seconds.

Man 4 : I think we should make a deal with him. We have enough with All For One and Destro's army. We don't need buffed Stain. Before he kill any heroes, we should talk with him.

Man 5 : Are you serious? He don't even care All Might. Who would he care? We couldn't risk any hero. He could kill them.

Man 6 : So, are we just letting him do anything he want? He's already killed the thousand of people.

Man 4 : You mean "criminals".

Man 6 : Yes but, criminals are people too.

Man 2 : He's better than any underground heroes we have. Crime rate is dropped down since he appeared. We could use him but we need plans.

Man 4 : Use? You want buffed Lady Nagent? We've make a deal about that before. We're lucky that she have a good heart. But Zen-Aku could kill everyone in this room if he don't like the plan

President : Stop talking about her. Lady Nagent becoming a killer is a fault of former president. We can't make a mistake like that again.

The words from the president silence the men. A man with sleep face start talking to oldman

Mera : All Might, what do you think about him? You're the only hero who've met with him.

Yagi : I-I don't know what should I say about this. He've saved the students, taking my place. Which was my fault.

The oldman look down

President : Forgot about the villain thing. I want to know what you have saw in him.

The oldman look to the president

Yagi : His eyes are like a real wolf. There's no hesitations nor guilts. Just like a demon.

President : What's the difference between him and AFO?

The oldman tensed up

Yagi : They're different after all. AFO is a psychopath master mind. He's king of underworld. He's like a monster but still a human and showed emotions.

President : So, what about Zen-Aku?

Yagi : He's real monster.

6 men in suit was shocked by the answer

Mera : How can you say that?

Yagi : I've fought many villains in my life. Including master mind villains like AFO. But, Zen-Aku is the only who's scares me. He've saved the students and killed the villains. But his eyes show no emotions other than rage. I've felt the blood lust from him when I entered the room. When he look to me, it's like a demon is infront of me but he showed no threat to the students. Still, he's like a real wolf demon to me. Even when I fight with AFO, I still have victory in my mind. But when I saw him, I couldn't imagine the victory in my mind.

The room is silent again. Suddently, the woman spoke

President : I've decided. Top 15 heroes will have to arrest Zen-Aku as fast as they could. Only those 15 heroes will revceice the warrant. They could ask the help from the other heroes or agencies. Even if they couldn't arrest him, they have to find out his identity and the quirk abilities. Also, his goals of being vigilante. I don't want another Stain so if he's like Stain, you can kill him in the fight.

Anti-Hero Wolf Demon, Zen-Aku (OC x BNHA)Where stories live. Discover now