Episode 6 - Pawn

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The Day After Endeavor's Lose


Reporter Lady : Yesterday, Endeavor lose his fight and injured badly. His opponent is the vigilante, Rouki Zen-Aku. He also said that he's the one who start the fight. What a shocking news. The second strongest hero of japan lose to the vigilante. Endeavor also said, Zen-Aku revealed that criminals are his only targets. I've thought Zen-Aku was stronger version of Stain but Zen-Aku didn't killed the heroes. Maybe he's better vigilante than Stain. I think the word "anti-hero" was perfect for him. Is he planning to wipe out every criminals of japan? Is he real wolf demon? Are we gonna see the fight between Stain and Zen-Aku or would they team up? That was a billion doller question. Unfortunatly, we have to wait for the answers.


At Heroes Public Safety Comission, The President's Office

There's two man and one woman in the room. A failure father, a sleepy man and the old president

President : Have you learned anything about him?

Enji : He can play the instrument.

Mera : Wait, what?

President : What kind of instrument?

Enji : A flute, but it look like a blade. A smaller one and he didn't use that in battle.

Mera : A flute blade? Who make that kind of weird things? Wait, his mouth didn't move at all even when he talk. How could he play the flute?

Enji : I have no idea.

President : Anything others?

Enji : He's- he's holding back.

President : And you still lose?

The burning man clench his fists

Enji : Yes, he's stronger than me even when he's holding back.

Mera : How did you know that he's holding back?

Enji : His attacks are not strong as the USJ fight. His energy waves are weaker. He destroyed Nomu's upper body with that energy wave. But in yesterday, it didn't even destroy my hero suit.

Mera : Well, this is interesting. I've thought that he was mindless demon, but it seems he's still sane.

President : What about his states in fight?

Enji : He may not strong or fast as All Might, but he's stronger and faster than any heroes including myself. Even my hottest flames did nothing to him, not even a bit. His armors didn't damaged. Even his eyes are in good shape as before.

Mera : Is he immune to fire?

Enji : I've thought that too.

President : What do you think about him?

Enji : His eyes are not human like, they're eyes of animals. He can kill me but he didn't. He gave me the chance to step back before the fight. Maybe, criminals are the only thing he would kill. He used the word "human" to me, like he's real demon or any other. But I'm starting to believed that he's real wolf demon.

Mera : You thought that too?

Enji : Too?

Mera : We've asked this question to All Might before. And he thought that Zen-Aku was real wolf demon too.

The burning man surprised

President : You can go now. Thanks for your answers, Endeavor.

The burning man walked out from the room. And then, the man with red wings on his back came out from the hide

Hawks : I don't understand why you want me hide and evaesdrop their answers?

President : We can't let anyone know about your position. And they won't talk like this if they saw you. You know Endeavor's personality. That wolf humiliate him in yesterday fight. He break Endeavor.

Hawks : Yes, I know. I've noticed Endeavor face. His normal personality is gone. He's not kind of person to admit his lose. But now, he even tell that to media. I think he need therapy.

President : We can talk about your idol later. I want hear other thing from you.

Hawks : Like what?

President : Your idea.

Hawks : Mine? Why?

President : I knew that you're good at plannings. You might not admit it but in reality, you're genius.

Hawks : I'm not genius. Society would called me a hero, but I'm just a pawn of government.

President : What would you do, if you're president?

Hawks : About what?

President : Rouki.

Hawks : Zen-Aku? You've heard Endeavor's words. There's no hero who could beat him. Even All Might isn't sure himself. If every heroes fight him and lose, the society would stop believing to the heroes. The vigilante era will be formed again and the nation will crumble into pieces.

President : So, what's your plan?

The bird man's cheery side disappeared. He look to the woman, wearing the serious expression on his face

Hawks : Let him do as he want.

Mera : Are you out of your mind?

Hawks : We have no choice at all. He's strong and probably immue to fire. The chance to arrest him successfully was zero point present. And there's a new villain group called League of Villains and the threat of All For One.

Mera : I thought All For One was killed five years ago?

Hawks : We have no evidence about that. Also, Nomu could be the minion of All For One. Nomu have multiple quirks. There's only one person in japan which have the ability to give and take the quirks, All For One.

President : You planning to use him as a pawn?

Hawks : He might kill All For One for us. The enemy of an enemy is a friend. If we couldn't arrest him, we have to use him.

Mera : So, are we gonna take back the warrants from the heroes?

President : No, that would mean we're scares of him. If Endeavor's theory was right, he won't kill any hero even if they fight him.

Mera : You're risking so much, president. He could change his mind.

President : Yes, but we have no choice as Hawks said. All For One could is the world lv threat. He'll be the first target. Rouki will comes later. Hawks.

Hawks : Yes, ma'am.

President : Try to talk with him if you can. We still don't know why he want to kill criminals. Also his identity.

Hawks : The second strongest hero of japan just lose to him yesterday and you want me to talk with him?

The woman didn't say anything and just look to the bird man

Hawks : Understandable, have a nice day.

The bird man walked out from the room

Anti-Hero Wolf Demon, Zen-Aku (OC x BNHA)Where stories live. Discover now