Episode 19 - Beginning of New Era

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The boy was looking to his mother who wearing shrine maiden clothes and looking down to him with sadness in her eyes

Shin : Is something wrong with me, Ka...Kako-san?

The woman sigh

Kako : I told you to don't call me mother. I'm not your real mother. And you know that.

Shin : But...you're like a mother to me, Kako-san. A real mother. Also, you gave me the name Okami.

Kako : That's because of your destiny, Shin. You're destined to become a part of Okami clan. I didn't choose that by myself.

Shin : Then, who...

Kako : The one that Okami clan worship over generations after generations........ Rouki.

The boy surprised

Shin : Rouki? But, wasn't he a demon? Why worship him like a god?

Kako : You'll understand when the time comes, Shin.

*Flashback End*

Ryuko : Demon Beast Fusion!

Giant robot animals combine with each other and formed a giant robot. Dragon lady leaped into the air and entered into giant robot's chest. Then, dragon lady was transported into cockpit. She put her hands on control

Ryuko : Advance, Gao Hunter!

Just then, the head of giant robot transformed. The org horn was gone and robot face appeared from the wolf jaws

Zen-Aku : I see. This is the true form of Gao Hunter that only shows when the warrior took control. I'm glad that you're the one. Now, show me your power.

Ryuko : Ligator Blade!

Gao Hunter grab the staff which combined with alligator and hammer shark's tails, and start striking to wolf demon. Wolf demon stand still and take every attacks without resistance. After combos of attacks, Gao Hunter stopped

Zen-Aku : Is this all? No, you can do much better.

Ryuko : ....... Crescent Boomerang.

Gao Hunter shoot wolf's tail as a boomerang which strike wolf demon from different directions for multiple times


The woman was lying on the bed and the boy was sitting beside the bed. He know that she won't last longer and this would the last time they could talk each other

Kako : Shin.

Shin : Yes, Kako-san.

Kako : You remember the tale of Rouki, right?

Shin : Yes, I remember.

Kako : The mask actually exist and it was hiding under shrine. When you wear the mask, you'll got unimaginable power. Even in near death, the mask can save you. With your strong will, you could surpass the mask's possession.

Shin : Why are you telling me this? It's that really important that you have to say this as your final words?

Kako : Yes, it was. Because I know about you and your future, Shin. I know there would be the time when you would need that mask.

Shin : Why would I need that mask. I don't want those kind of things. I don't want to become a hero.

Kako : I know, Shin. I know that you're not that kind of boy. I know you don't want honor and wealth. But after seeing your future, I can't help but want to warn you while I can.

Anti-Hero Wolf Demon, Zen-Aku (OC x BNHA)Where stories live. Discover now