Chapter 1

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Y/n's quirk is invisibility, they can turn invisible but they can also undo it whenever they want. Dabi and y/n grew up together so they have a long past and they were always very close.

When y/n was 13 Dabi was 15

Dabi: y/n I must go but I love you
Y/n: but I love you pls don't leave
Dabi: I'm sorry u know what my father does I have to leave or the burns will get worse
Y/n: promise to come back for me
Dabi: I will


Y/n is y/a (your age)

After losing their best friend y/nwent one a crime spree, they starting robbing gasstations at gunpoint really anything to draw attention to them so Dabi couldn't forget.

Y/n had just robbed a band when the proheros arrived.
Hawks: it's y/n
Midnight: then catch them

Y/n got away but they had to use their quirk so now the proheros know more. Y/n was running through the woods, soon they came to an abandoned bar. Thinking no one was I there , they went inside. Soon after they got knocked out.


Y/n woke up in a cellar, it was dark wet and cold. They heard footsteps approaching them. Then someone said " hello y/n"

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