Chapter 14

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This chapter will be a little angsty.

You woke up the next morning feeling the warmth of his naked body behind you, his arm wrapped tightly around your waist. Slowly you roll over admiring hoe adorable and calm he looks while sleeping.
Dabi starts smirking and says "you know if you take a picture it'll last longer little mouse." You playfully smack his shoulder and say, "you should've told me you were awake prettyboy."
Rolling quickly out of his arms you run to you bathroom but you're quickly accompanied by dabi who still very sleepy looking wraps his arms around your waist and kisses your neck. In that moment you forget anyone else is at the base, but you're quickly reminded when toga bursts in and announces thats shiggy wanted to see you guys. Dabi annoyed scoffed at her and told her to fuck off but you followed her and went to fiangst.

   You walked into his office and were even more confused when you saw her. Your mom, you have not seen her in years, not since you ran away and you did not know how to react, you felt stuck there like you could do nothing but look at her, you could not even speak. So, she began to speak she told you all about your other family and how they were doing the whole time you count even make out clear words or sentences it was surreal seeing her here she looked sick nothing how you remembered her.

   Just as you started to feel bad about her physical look and condition anger crept in as you remembered why you left, the way she used to talk to you. The way she would make you feel demoralized and worthless. You felt rage building up, you started to scream at her to leave of course she tried to be a hero and calm you down, but nothing work you pushed her out f the room causing her to fall, and toga came quickly to check what all the noise was twice, shiggy and Dabi were quick to follow. Dabi knew exactly who that was and why you were so enraged he quickly told her to leave also the hurt in her eyes was unexpected, but you couldn’t show pity for her now She left finally, but you were still angry. How dare she think she could show up now and everything be okay like nothing happened. She was gonna pay for what she did to you one way or another.

Standing there betrayal starts to creep in as you try to figure out who let her in and why they think that's okay when they all know what she did to you. You couldn't bear the thought of shiggy or toga betraying you and you feel nauseous and run yo your bathroom to throw up. Sitting on the floor you throw up and cry till you pass out. Today was already so much to handle mentally and its not even noon yet.

A/n hope u guys like it sorry for the late release with school starting life has been hectic.
Word count: 525

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