Chapter 10

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(Not my art)

_after the fight_

Dabi and y/n walk out to get food. At this point most of the villains were either on a mission or in their room, so y/n felt safer and not so overwhelmed

Dabi sat y/n down and went to get breakfast

Dabi came back with pancakes

Dabi here ya go little mouse

y/n thank you

Dabi of course

Dabi, I'm not even sure you can walk

y/n yes, I can

Y/n jumps out of Dabis arms and immediately falls

Dabi chuckles 

Dabi, see I told you 

y/n pouts

All the villains watching how cute they are from behind the corner

Shiggy : disgusting

Toga smacks shiggy on the back of the head

Shiggy ow

Toga u deserved it

Dabi and you went back to his room with cereal

Dabi sorry its not the best we can go shopping today if you want

y/n I love shopping

y/n and Dabi finish eating and they are very happy because they get to spend some time out 

Dabi gets his card, and they start walking to the mall

They both arrive at the mall

Dabi so which store do-

y/n is already running into hot topic

Dabi well that answers my question

Dabi runs after you

Dabi pick anything you want I'll get it for you

y/n ok thank you

y/n was very nervous about spending dabis money, so they only truly picked out 3 things, but Dabi saw they geek out over so many items he just picked some stuff up as they went

When y/n saw everything, Dabi was holding they were amazed 

y/n why do u have all that I only have 2 things

Dabi well I watched how u reacted to everything, so I just picked it up

y/n well thank you, but I don’t need it

Dabi idc its endeavors credit anyway

They buy all of it and head pack to the base 

When they got back shiggy toga twice and Kurogi were waiting for the pair to get back

y/n still felt uncomfortable about earlier 

Dabi and y/n started to walk back to their room when y/n felt a hand on their shoulder 

Shiggy I'm sorry about earlier 

y/n its ok just do not do it aging

Shiggy so to you too Dabi

Dabi whatever

Shiggy well we have a mission tmr get ready

y/n can I come

Shiggy sur we are goanna need help

Dabi and you walk back

y/n so what's the mission 

Dabi well we are attacking UA tmr 

y/n Oh ok

Dabi want to try on your new clothes?

y/n YES

Y/n runs eagerly into Dabis room and throws everything on the bed. Twice, Toga and Shiggy hear the commotion and come into the room and see all the bags on the bed. 

Shiggy: Who bought all of this? 

Dabi: Endeavor 

Dabi pulled out Endeavors black card and waves it around. 

Tiga: where did you get that 

Dabi: oh, dad gave it to me last time I visited  

Twice: can I borrow it? 

Dabi: NO 

Y/n comes out in the first outfit and looks amazing 

Shiggy: damn  

Dabi: they are mine 

Y/n I think they know 


All the 4 of them waited quietly for the second outfit, excited to see the next pick.



Shiggy: You do look good 

Dabi: I like that one 

Y/n: twice you’ve quiet 

Twice: oh, I've been eating rice crispy treats 

Y/n: well, I'm going to go get my villain costume 


y/n slips on their villain costume and they look amazing. 

y/n walks out 

Everyones jaw drops  

Dabi: wow 

Toga: that’s perfect 

Shiggy: well are you ready for your first mission ms. y/n 

I really tried to make this one longer and I will try to post more consistently.

Word count:680

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