Chapter 12

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Tw: smut, language and violence

   You woke the next day and did not feel the warmth, you fell asleep too. You got up and looked around the room and on the dresser was a note, it read “little mouse when I woke up, I knew I had to go train and did not want to wake you. When you eat and get ready find me in the gym.”

   You got up and went to the kitchen to eat, you got some cereal and went to Toga’s room to talk hoping she did not go to train too. You knocked on her door and her smiley face answered. She asked if you were excited for later and you did not truly know how to feel you just hoped it would be fast. You guys talked and ate for about 15 minutes. 

y/n: all right well I am going to go fins Dabi

Toga: all right see you later

   You started to get your slippers and started to walk around the compound and slowly realized you did not know where the gym was. Luckily, you ran into overhaul.

y/n: oh hey!

Overhaul: ohhh your Dabi's girl right nice to meet you

y/n: hm yes; anyways do you know where the gym is?

Overhaul: lucky for you I was heading there now 

   You follow him and you two keep talking and making jokes. You two walk in laughing Dabi sees who you are and gets jealous you are his and he was going to show the whole league that.

   You saw him over by the weights and walked up in hist shirt and some shorts. At first, he acted like he didn’t notice, you went and hugged him from behind. Your body immediately warmed up and relief fell over you. He turned around a smile plastered across his face he picks you up and hugs you so tightly, he kisses you and slips tongue in, and you wrap your legs around his waist. You pull away panting.

Y/n:what are you doing

Dabi:showing off whats mine

   Y/n looked at Dabi confused and then it hit them,overhaul was so touchy and funny that dabi got the wrong idea.Before you could explain the situation dabi was dragging you back inside thatain house and straight to your room.

Y/n:come on don't be mad I'm sure her didn't mean anything
   After saying that y/n was thrown on their bed, as dabi slowly crawled over top of them.

   Dabi leaned down slowly and lightly kissed your lips savoring the soft feeling. As he left your mouth wanting more a trail of spit still connected you two. You leaned up trying to connect your lips to satisfy this longing feeling. Dabi leaned away.

Dabi:oh no little mouse if you want more your gonna have to beg
Y/n:pls pls just a kiss anything

   He came back down to ypur level and kissed you, it was like all those years he was what ypu were missing. This is what you were missing. You were so inlove with this man. An aching feelin started in ypur pants and you grinded against him. He gasped softly against your lips. Slowly he moved his hand down and pushed your hips down. His fingers trailed to your zipper,his beautiful blue eyes trailed up your body and met yours. You nodded in approval. He unzipped your pants and threw them across the floor. He kissed down your body and on your inner thigh. This only helped the ache grow. He looped his fingers in your underwear and slowly pulled them off. His lips kissed over your sensitive spot and then finally he got to your core. He slurrped and liked at ypu reliving the ache. The ache quickly turned to pleasure, this made your light moans and groans slowly get louder. You went to cover your mouth the second he saw that he grabbed your hand and pulled to your hip. He looked up at you your juices dripping down his chin. He says "no no let them hear you, let them hear how good I make you feel." He went back down on you, your moans getting more breathy as ypu gwt close he can yell and starts getting g faster. "Come on body I know you can do it, cum for me." Of course you follow the directions given and as told. He slumps everything that comes out of you.

   He hovers over you again kissing you aggressively, you can still taste yourself on his lips. You can hardly grasp his pants as your still coming down from your high,so seeing what your trying to do dabi helps ypu just a bit. He makes sure your nice and stretched out with his fingers before he aligned himself with your hole. He slowly pushed in giving you time to adjust. After a bit he started moving his hips,getting faster by every thrust. Soon the lewd sound coming from your mouth and the sound of skin slapping could be heard all over the base. The thought that the whole league was hearing you only motivated him making him be faster and rougher.
   You moaned then, tilting you head back to give him better access. His hands clamped on your waist, then moved—one going to cup your ass. He quickly used his mouth to fill the space between you two. His tongue scraped the roof of your mouth. Everything around the two of you was drowned out all you could this about was him and how good he was making you feel. He moved one of his hands down to touch you and that sent you over the edge. Your juices going all over his cock and thighs,you clenched so tightly around him tour whole body shaking. He pulled out and came all over you.

   After finishing he plopped down next to you grabbing a towel from his drawer. Slowly cleaning you up. As you two started cuddling Afo says at ypur door, "next time do it while we're bot here." Embarrassment washed over you,your boss heard you two,your friends and random people. How would you recover from this

Word count:1044
Hope u liked it

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