Chapter 7

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TW: swearing and slight mention of smut.

The next morning:
Y/n wakes up first feeling arms wrapped around their torso and suddenly remembering what happened the night before. They rolled over and saw Dabi's content sleeping face.

Y/n: So peaceful when he sleeps
Dabi smirks
Y/n hits him lightly
Y/n: You're awake!
Dabi: Have been for awhile, I didn't wanna wake you. You're so cute while you sleep.
Y/n: Well, what time is it.
Dabi: Like noon, why?
Y/n: Shit, I have work. I gotta go
Y/n:Yes, sadly crime doesn't stop because a prohero doesn't wanna come in.
Dabi: I know, you're just so warm.
Shiggy: As cute as this is its mostly disgusting so get going y/n and next time be quite when you fuck.
Dabi: Suck my dick shiggy.
Shiggy: I think y/n already did.
Y/n: Ok and on that note I'm outta here.
Dabi: Bye little mouse.
Y/n: Bye

Y/b: Runs in their hero suit trying to make it to Endeavors office before two. They make it their a one forty five. Quickly fix their hair outside and go inside. Endeavors receptionist greets them as they head upstairs.

You sat HI to Hawks he just waves and you walk into Endeavors office to get your assignment.

Y/n: Morning Sir.
Endeavor: Hello, today I want you to patrol sections 12 and 15. Hawks is doing 13 and 14. We got wind that the League is planning a attack today in one of those regions so be on guard.
Y/n: Will do sir.

As you walk to section 12 you once again think about last night how he made you feel and all the pleasure. You remember what he whispered in your ears hiw he gently kissed your neck. How after it was over he held you like you were a gem that could break at a slight touch. As you got close to section 15 you started to smell smoke and hear screams, the you saw the flames and their aqua color. You sighed knowing who it was. Under your breath you say "damn it dabi".

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