Chapter 13

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Tw:slight smut

When you pull away a string of saliva is what keeps you two connected, no words were shared between the two of you before he swept you up and carried you quickly to your room. Nothing makes you feel better about yourself than the way he looks into your eyes and down to your lips and chest then your thighs , how hungrily and lustful his eyes look. They almost become darker when he looks at you.
Dabi: may I?
Y/n: of course
You say breathlessly, he leans close to your collar bone and hovers for a second you feel his hot breath and it sends shivers down your spine. He quickly makes work of leaving countless hickeys and love bites marking you as his. You let oit small whimpers and groans it feels so good. At this moment nothing else matters other than the two of you. He kisses up your neck and jaw finally making it to your lips. You greedily accept his advances loving every second. You try your hardest to get his shirt off but the more you grab at the hem the deeper he makes the kiss distracting you. He slips his hand up your shirt playing with your nipples this makes you gasp and whimper barely being able to kiss back. He almost rips the shirt off you and practically claws at your pants to get them off leaving you only in your under clothing. He admires you body and runs his hands over your curves admiring what's only his.
Y/n: you know it's not very fair that I'm the only one in my underwear
Dabi: getting impatient are we little mouse
Y/n:only for you
He reaches his hand down and slowly starts pumping one finger into you. This makes you moan lightly into his ear this drives him crazy from your position under him you can feel him getting harder. After and minute or so he adds a second pumping deeper and harder getting you ready for him. He feels your walls start to tighten and pulls out suddenly.
Dabi:oh no, your not getting off that easy. Not until I tell you
You whimper missing the feeling of his finger inside you however it was quickly replaced with his manhood as he starts pounding into you starting at a slower pace gradually getting faster.
He growled as he picked me up bouncing me on his cock.

Y/n POV:
I screamed out as my face scrunched up in ecstasy "oh god, please don't stop." He lightly laughed saying "didn't plan on it." I wrapped my arms around his neck enjoying him pounding into me. The way he hits all the right spots and gets so deep I feel like I'm splitting in half. I know I can't take much longer. "Please let me cum, please." I'll think about is all he said, while continuing mercilessly. Lightly pulling his hair. "PLEASE". Dabi smirked,"fine, cum." You saw white as you shook on him practically screaming. He kept going rhough pounding away. Quickly you became overstimulated and tears quickly formed. He started gwtting sloppier and the pace became eratic his groan grew louder and you soon felt his white and thick cum coat your walls as you both finished riding out your highs. He pulled out and flopped down next to me, catching my breath, "wow." Dabi just nodded and kissed my forehead and we both quickly fell asleep.

Word couny: 581

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