Chapter 3

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Y/n broke the restraints, and ran out the door into the night. Dabi was chasing after them. With y/n's quirk it would make it almost impossible to find them. As y/n got closer to the city they heard dabi yelling to them.

Dabi: y/n stop, we don't wanna hurt you
Y/n: why should I trust you
Dabi:because I did what I promised I came back for you
Y/n: no, you didn't

*y/n leaves*


On the rooftop of their apartment y/n crouched, they are waiting for the league.

Y/n's mind: if they really want me to join then they will find me

They waited and waited until they saw a portal, a hand came through the portal and grabbed them. Just like that y/n was with the league again.

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