Chapter 11

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As you went to sit down with the rest of the league Dabi pulled you onto his lap.  

y/m: why 

Dabi: there are going to be a lot of new league members and they need to know what's mine. 

y/n: but I thought everyone in the league lived with us 

Dabi: oh no sweetheart, there is too many to count 

   Many people and creature looking things piled into the room. The final two to enter were Shigaraki and AFO. The room got silent, you felt so many eyes on you. Dabi could see how uncomfortable you felt, he lightly rubbed your thigh. This small act eased your nerves so much. They went over the plan for like 2 hours it felt like forever, at times you could feel yourself start to doze off. Dabi just gave off so much body heat and you loved soaking it all in. 

   By the time you guys were done it was 9 pm and you were starving so Dabi made the only thing he knew how, soba. It was delicious, just the right amount of saltiness. You loved it so much and quite enjoyed having a full stomach. After the two of you were done you went back to your now shared room, and both changed. He was in gray sweatpants, and you were wearing one of his shirts. Boy did he look sexy. In that moment you felt this wave of bliss come over you from just looking at him, but after that feeling left you started feeling the way you felt when he left. He could tell your mood changed but you would not tell him why. He did not bother you or force you to tell him he just layed there and comforted you all night until you fell asleep in his arms. 

Word count 319
Thank you all soo much for the views love u all! <3

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