authors note please read

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I am still in school and I have a job so I'm so so sorry for not updating. I will try to update more now that it's summer but something that needs addressed is the hate coming in from the earlier chapters.

This book was never intended to be popular like it is. This started as a dare in 7th grade. Me and my friends all wrote books and 2 of our books got popular. The earlier chapters were written in 7th grade obviously I didn't have good grammar or writing abilities. I would like to think I've gotten better. I honestly thought abt ending this book awhile ago but it gets added to on average 100 people's lists a week so I keep going for the people who enjoy it. If you don't like it stop reading it. Your hate comments do nothing but make u look dumb. (The more you comment the more my book gets pushed so thanks 😁)
Once again if u don't like it don't read it. 

For people who care I am gonna go back and try to edit and better the earlier chapters. This post isn't for pity or asking for apologies (although that would be nice) I just needed to pit this out there.

Love u guys even the ones who leave hate.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jun 07 ⏰

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